Chapter Sixteen

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   A glint lingered in his eyes. Leaving the store with a few packs of steak, Renee tossed the bag in the back of his pick up truck.

   He turned to head to his driver side. Alexander, the vampire who looked more like a teenager than how old he really was, stood in his way.

   "God damn it. Ya vampires sure have ways of sneaking up on a werewolf." Renee acted superior and unruffled by the vampires presence. Arrogance was a possession new to him now making it good with the vampire Queen.

   "She wants an update." He arched a brow, standing straight postured and titled. His slacks and business shirt was nicely polished and up-scaled. All the Monarchs vampires in direct control under her were well dressed and clean cut.

   Renee yanked his truck door open, rust spraying into the air. The vampire, Alexander, took a step back, seeing the dirty particles from Renee's truck float around. "Ah already took first action. Ya can tell yo Monarch ah appreciate her letting those coyote fuckers help me."

   "Update," Alexander said again.

   Shaking his head. "She sucked that boy like a popsicle." Renee grinned pleased with his part in that. "Ah enthralled him to go out searching for her and attack when he found her. She couldn't help her self."

   "How does that play apart in your plan?"

   Chuckling, Renee acted as if he knew something this vampire didn't know. "Unlike yo's and mines lack of guilt fo harming these mundane humans...that precious hybrid of ours doesn't think like us. There was enough dread and fear in her eyes to spread a mile long. Ah could literally smell it. Her confidence and guard is weakened now. Ah will be tempting her left to right, till her mind can't see straight ahead. And that's where ah will be. Right in her path."

   "She will be here in two nights."

   "Ah will have that hybrid before she arrives." Renee was confident of that.

   "For your better." Alexander left in unnatural speed.

   "Fucking vampires," Renee hissed.



How was Mona to teach Kaliska the good and bad of taking a life? Keeping her actions hidden, Mona stood discreetly in the dark. There wasn't much street light.

Far from being a vampire patriarch, Mona knew there would be trouble if Paulina found out the truth. Across the road was a low scale biker bar. A man stood out in jeans and leather coat. It was too cold to be out. He wasn't smoking or in the phone. That meant one of a few things. Mona chose the obvious option. He was a drug dealer.

People came in and out, approaching him. Another man came, standing beside him. They were laughing. Mona didn't care to listen in. Who listened to food?

Waiting for her moment, Mona watched the outside clear out of people. It was only the two men left. Using inhuman speed, Mona went across the street, snatched the two men and pulled them back to where she originally hid.

They stumbled back, both startled and confused.

One of the men pulled out a knife, trying to find his balance. They were both dizzy from the swift movement. Mona snatched the knife from the man's hand before he or his buddy looked up.

Eyes finally on her in anger, "don't talk." Immediately Mona ensnared their minds. There was a dazed look in their eyes. "Stand still." She reached over finding their drugs. "Aye will be taking this."

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