Chapter Nine

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Running fast through the woods Kaliska constantly stayed on high alert. Part of her knew she was searching for any signs that Zara was near. Kaliska also anticipated any coyotes lurking near by. After knowing they killed Latham's brother, it was easy to assume the truce was over.

It infuriated her, knowing they could kill so easily. Kaliska hoped she never was pushed to a place to kill. Taking someone's life was a decision no one should easily make.

Kaliska ran ten miles before realizing she was in a area unfamiliar. There was less trees around. It was much rockier than closer to home where it was more grass. Coming atop a cliff, Kaliska stared down seeing how steep she was from below. Never much into heights, she wondered now if it mattered. Being hybrid, could she survive the jump? It was at least one hundred foot drop.

"We could jump together." Miles walked up beside Kaliska, eyes only staring down at the cliff.

She settled her shoulders, not upset in seeing him. "How was your trip?" Trying to be casual, Kaliska rather not talk about anything too personal.

Miles shrugged. He only stared down the cliff as a new challenge. Eyes intent on taking the jump as if he seen value down below. "You know—"

"Perhaps we should leave the personal topics aside." Kaliska didn't want to get into it today. She turned to leave.

"I only wanted to say...I'm sorry." Miles words made her reconsider leaving. She paused, waiting to hear if he had more to say. "You were the first person who I felt me. You being not connected to my father's pack made it even more appealing."

Kaliska walked back next to him.

He tilted his head, looking at her. He shrugged his shoulders. "These last two days...I realized that, yes. I missed you. But, my wolf didn't need you. Didn't go crazy not knowing where you were or if you were safe. I just...missed you like I missed the rest of my pack. Well, maybe a little more than that but still."

Kaliska would be lying if she wasn't relieved. She opened her mouth, closing it back with nothing to say.

   "I still care about you." Miles voice was soft. "I think if we met under different..."

  "No, Miles." Kaliska held her hand up, shaking her head. "I apologize for confusing you the first time. But now...let there be no confusion. I was attracted to what you are...not who you are. I think you are a great guy...but just that. I didn't know what..." Kaliska wiggled her fingers between the two of them... "the connection between us—it confused me. But now my minds clear. I've never been attracted to men. I've never been attracted to you. matter how much you want to believe in the 'if's', we would have never been together. I love Maia."

   Nodding his head, Miles took that all in. "I see."

   Taking another glance down the cliff, Kaliska wanted to jump more than anything. "More than anything...I thought we were made to be good friends."

   "Will Maia allow..." Miles silenced, noticing Kaliska's expression.

   "Maia doesn't dictate who I'm friends with. And as long as you start now...respecting our relationship, you should be fine."

   Lifting both hands up aside his head, "I give. I do respect you and Maia. I'll do better." He watched Kaliska turning away. He didn't want to stare too long. "You want to jump?"

   "Not today." Kaliska wanted to share big experiences like this with Maia. Turning, she faced back toward the nearby town. "I am meeting Maia at the diner."

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