Chapter Seven

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"All I'm asking you two, is to act human." Kaliska followed Mona around the house, trying to get her to listen.

Tossing her hands up, Kaliska looked to Paulina for help. Paulina shook her head, drinking blood from a champagne glass. "Kaliska. We stopped being humans many years ago. I more than your Sire here."

"But you go out in the human world. I remember my first time seeing you two at a bar." Kaliska pointed out the obvious. She really wanted to make this nice and humane as possible. "These are my best friends. I live here because I need guidance and a secure place to be me." Mona arched a brow. "And to get close to you two." Kaliska sighed. "But they are still my best friends. I have to give them at least this."

Taking a seat next to the kitchen table, Mona continued polishing her nails. She listened to Kaliska, entertained by her pleading.

"Seriously Mona. I'm not in the mood. This is my home too. They're coming. So either act civil and humane or don't and I'll face telling them the truth." Kaliska got up, heading to her room.

Showering and getting dressed she made it back down the stairs. The house looked cleaned up. She frowned, unsure of what was going on. Kaliska went to the kitchen finding the fridge empty of blood bottles and packages.

There was food cooking on the stove. The table was set for dining. Kaliska found Mona sitting on the couch, wearing a new outfit. Kaliska pointed to the kitchen. "You do that?"

Mona snorted. "Of course not. Aye am not made to be slaving over a stove."

"I am making shepherds pie. I was a cook back in my time."

"Thank you."

   It was hard reading Paulina sometimes. Kaliska wasn't sure if Paulina liked her much but this moment told Kaliska to be patient. Paulina was family.

There was a knock at the door. Kaliska looked down at her watch. "Damn, time went by fast."

   Suddenly overcome with nerves, Kaliska shook her arms, shading some adrenaline away. Her feet felt heavy walking across to the front door. Opening it, Kaliska smile stretched across her face, happy to see her best friends.

   "Damn, chick. You live out the way," Mila chuckled. "I nearly ran into a wolf on my way here."

   Face blanching, Kaliska smiled tightly. "You hit a wolf?" She asked a bit concerned.

   Mila rolled her eyes giving Kaliska an odd expression. "Uh, no," she overstated. Mila snorted, shaking her head at how worried Kaliska seemed. "I said...I nearly hit a wolf."

   "It was a close one. I didn't know wolves lived close around here," Rosalie inputted.

   "This town is all about protecting our wildlife," Kaliska chimed out in a weird tone. "I guess the people here are rubbing off on me." Kaliska had to come up with something to not seem to concerned over them nearly hitting a wolf. She knew it was Maia they almost hit.

   Shutting the door, Kaliska guided her friends into the living room. "I'm glad you two came."

   "Of course." Rosalie held onto her jacket looking around. "Nice house."

   "Old house," Mila added. She smiled politely at the two women Kaliska had not yet introduced them to.

   "Oh." Kaliska moves up. "These are my two aunts. Mona and..." Kaliska looked around. Right in time Paulina came into the living room from the kitchen. "Paulina."

   "Damn" Mila smirked. "I don't know why I thought your aunts were going to look like old hags."

   "Quite opposite," Mona pointed out.

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