Chapter Eighteen

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   Standing near the door, the only thing running through Paulina's mind was Iris's words. Why couldn't she let things go? She was stirred. Paulina liked order and composure. Looking flustered seemed inappropriate.

   Mona was gone again before Paulina could talk to her.

   As for Kaliska and Maia, they were downstairs. Kaliska wanted to face the consequences of her actions. If the boy woke up disinterested in seeing Kaliska then she would go.

   "You Okay?" Latham asked.

   Paulina stood straight, not slouched. She stared into the room, at the boy lifeless on the bed. Lips pursed, Paulina waited, acting focused. "Yes. Of course."

   Studying Paulina, it was easy to see she was not. He stepped into the room, pass her, leaning his hand into the wall.  His other hand rested at his waist. "You know, the best thing you've done for me since Lucian's death...was be my friend. Before only cared for Lucian."

   Paulina continued to wait for the boy to wake. She kept her eyes trained on the boy.

   "Lucian was the first person to make you feel those humane emotions. I don't know much of your background but I know the era you come from. You were one of the first families to colonize what we know as America now."

   "That is all irrelevant to the present." Paulina said nothing else. She held in her bitter thoughts.

   Latham smiled. "I have met and fought beside historic men and women."

   Rather she pretended to not listen, Paulina was fully aware of his words.

   "In the year 1305 I was twenty when William Wallace was hanged, drawn, and quartered. I stood watching a friend. A man die in order to show us all what was needed of us to make Scotland our free land." Latham dug back into old memories. "My Heart only widen with the need to live and love harder. That is what he did for his people. But I wanted more. A family. Children. And I did."

   Taking a glance to Latham, it was the first to hear Latham had a family once.

   "To have another Country, try to tell you how to live. What faith to practice. What you could or could not own. Who...they owned." There was historic anger in Latham's Voice. "When my wife and daughters were butchered...I sought every man's blood. And for ten years, I killed any man who threatened my land."

   "What are you trying to tell me?"

   "Despite all I've endured in my many centuries here...I still desire to live. We are entitled to matter our background."

   Paulina took his words in. "You overheard my conversation with Iris?"

   "No." Latham smiled. "I was referring to you being a great Sire and opening up to this young man who will need you."

   Cracking a smile, Paulina shook her head. "I fell into that one."

   Latham shrugged. "As for Iris. She's a beautiful and intelligent woman. Lucian didn't let Zara being werewolf stop him. If there was anyone you worried would care, it would be him. Clearly, by Kaliska being here...he would have supported you and your heart."

   "Enough chatting," Paulina asked. She smiled weakly.

   "Only telling you what you told me once regarding Mona." Latham stood quiet, finished.


   Nearly an hour went by when she saw the change in the boys appearance. His dark complexion went a shade lighter in a pale shade. She saw his fingers move.

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