Stocking Surprises

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***being artsy part 2

Draco's favourite thing to do on Christmas day was to finally get to reveal the contents of his stocking. He would spent simply ages every year to get unique stockings that 'went with the theme of the house' and would ponder more about the contents of the stockings he filled than anything else he ever did.

If there was one thing Draco loved about the season, it was finding a stocking stuffed with presents just for him on Christmas morning. It was a tradition that held many fond childhood memories for him, and sharing his favourite tradition with Harry just made it that much better.

Draco had waited all year for this - for him and Harry to sit by the fire, near the Christmas tree and exchange small tokens of affection.

A very excited Draco grabbed his stocking from the mantelpiece as Harry busied himself with the latest edition of, 'Which Broomstick?'

When Draco turned his stocking over, the wide smile on his face quickly changed into a look of utter disbelief.  A shapeless lump of coal had fallen out and to say that Draco wasn't very pleased would be the understatement of the century.

"Is this your idea of a joke?" Draco demanded, turning on to Harry.
"It's not at all funny, Potter!"

"What?" Harry teased, popping his head out of the magazine and watching Draco with interest.

"It's not my fault you were naughty this year."

Draco scowled and grabbed the piece of coal, fully intending to chuck it at the prat. Unfortunately, his plan was thwarted when the damned thing crumbled in his fingers. Draco cursed and opened his clenched palm...

...only to find an exquisitely crafted diamond ring sitting there.

Draco's breath hitched and his soft gasp echoed in the silence of the room. For once in his life, Draco was speechless.

Harry grinned and slid over, lifting Draco's hand and pressing a kiss to his knuckles. "Not such a terrible present, is it?"

Draco just blinked as if in a daze,  unable to respond.

Harry's teasing grin faded to something softer and his grip on Draco's hand tightened.
"So what do you say?", he murmured as he pulled out a single red rose from behind his back.

"Will you marry me?"

Draco's throat clenched and his vision blurred a bit, but he finally found words again.


And in that moment, Draco couldn't be any happier. This was definitely his favourite stocking memory of all.


It's been absolutely ages since I uploaded something and it feels so good to have found time to write a fic even if it is quite small.

Although displaying the picture of the ring would be a nice idea, I saw so many amazing ones out there that I just couldn't pick one. So imagine the most elegant engraved platinum ring with a single diamond on it, that will be the ring Harry bought Draco.

Thank you so so so much for bearing with my hectic schedule.

Have a great day and a adventurous New year!

Lots of Love,


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