A day out with a green haired angel

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"Teddy, stop running around. I cannot keep looking for you today. As it is we have entered this muggle territory without Harry, and I don't know where the kids section is. So you young man, are going to toe the line or you won't getting any of the pasta tonight.', Draco said tiredly.

The green haired five year old boy peeped out of a clothes hanger with a small pout on that face full of indignation. If I wasn't tired of running around already, I would have found it adorable. But I had, so I gave him a stern look and beckoned him to me.

He flashed me his signature toothy grin and ran over to me crashing into my legs. He then grabbed my arm and pulled me into some random store. We spent the entire day just roaming around a mall trying to find Harry a a perfect birthday gift. It was quite annoying really, and every part of me wanted to leave and buy something from Diagon Alley instead. I was sure nothing from this 'mall' could make Harry happier than a new firebolt 2.0. Teddy however, had other plans. If it wasn't torturous already, Teddy would go hide, steal chocolates, annoy other customers for which I, Draco Malfoy had to apologize not once but at least ten times. Oh, well. The only solution was bribery; and he finally agreed to stick with me after a guaranteed supply of chocolate frogs and Aunt Hermione's homemade pie.(I still have to check about that)
We spent about five hours waking in and out of shops, with nothing really catching my eye. I guess Harry would just have to settle with a casual dinner and maybe some of his favourite pumpkin pasty. As though reading my thoughts, Teddy said,
"Draco, will Harry get no present?"
"We don't have the time now Ted. I guess he would just have to settle with you and me, won't he?"
"Draco, can I tell you a secret?"
"Sure Ted, tell me?"
"Bend down"
I lowered myself to his height and he held on to me firmly before whispering in my year.
"I don't think Harry want's any gift Draco. You are his best gift!"

I just sat there dazed for a second when I realised the little monster had run away again and was now yelling,
"Keep your promise Draco!, I want my chocolate frogs!"

I got up and grinned. The little tyke sure had his ways.


A/N- Hey guys, I haven't updated in sooo long! I had a lot of exams these two months and had to uninstall wattpad during that time. I had written this fanfic quite a while ago and was recommended to post this by a very dear friend. Hope you all like it.


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