Soccer and a Malfoy

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****when I try to be artsy

Draco didn't think he was fit for anything but Quidditch. It was an ideal game for him. He was atop a broom and all he had to do was to look for a tiny snitch while the rest of the team fought aggressively for the quaffle. It also gave Draco quite a sense of importance that 80% of the time the result of the match was on his shoulders. The victory would be Draco's and Draco's alone, unlike muggle games which he thought were quite tiring.

Especially Soccer thought Draco to himself. Sure, the game looked good enough on the television, but playing it was quite another thing. Harry had tried to force Draco to play a bit, but the end result was always a small fight that ended with Harry relenting and offering Draco some Mint Chocolate chip ice cream as peace offering. This time however, Harry had blackmailed Draco into an evening of soccer where 

"You will have lots of fun, love. "

So that was that, and there was nothing Draco could do about it. He sat dressed in a black Liverpool jersey and his favorite black and green shoes from Puma. Draco watched Harry silently as the latter juggled the ball(obviously trying to show off) wearing a bright red Manchester United jersey. Draco didn't say a word but he was internally smiling at the amount of happiness such small things gave the top Auror of the country. This was probably why Draco liked Harry in the first place. Anyone with the perfect combination of messy sexiness, possessiveness, strange whims and fancies and a loyal heart was someone everybody would love. He just regretted that he hadn't seen this side of Harry from the time he first met him on the train to Hogwarts back when they were merely eleven years old.


Harry grinned sheepishly at Draco as he picked up the soccer ball the broke the vase before casting the 'Reparo' spell.  

"This is where we start playing then, Harry. Don't think I want you to break anymore valuables in our apartment."

"Sure, Draco. But hey, I can always repair the 'valuables' isn't it? Anyway, I'm just pleased to hear you initiate this day of fun and games"

"Might as well get it done with. And you do remember our deal Harry, you promised that if I don't like it, I will not have to play soccer again unless I want to."

"Yes, I remember. But don't worry, I'm sure you'll have a great day"

"Yeah, right", Draco mumbled under his breath before heaving a sigh and saying, "Enough chatter, Potter. Lets start so that this gets over quickly"

Harry grinned with a twinkle appearing in his bright green eyes before he grandly opened the backdoor that lead to their garden which already had goalposts and lines that indicated the halves of the field and what not(quite a lot of terms that Harry had explained previously but Draco couldn't pain himself to remember). 

"Now listen carefully, Harry Potter. I have agreed to spend my time, which is quite precious to me playing this frivolous game with you instead of enjoying a hot cup of coffee and a book. If this evening ends in me not having a good time, or my well potted plants destroyed, I assure you that you will regret it"

"Oh really, and how is that Draco, dear"

"You will know, if this day ends up horribly, which I'm sure it will"

"Okay, enough. Less talking, more playing."

And that was how it started.

Initially it was just Harry passing the ball to Draco till he actually got a hang of kicking the ball, aligning it in a particular direction and then the game actually began.

Draco would be lying if he said that he didn't have fun. Sure, it wasn't Quidditch level, where he could gloat about whooping Potter, nonetheless, it was a very enjoyable game. Moreover, watching Harry play with a face that glowed with excitement was quite a treat in itself. Even though, throughout the evening, Draco had managed to make a fool of himself quite a few times by tripping over the ball and landing face first onto the ground, it made him quite happy because he was not only enjoying the day but also bringing a smile on his sexy boyfriend's face. So as they were taking their shoes and socks off, Harry asked,

"So, was it that bad, Draco?"

"To be honest, it was quite a lot of fun. Of course, I'd rather play quidditch, but its not a bad game, Soccer"

"Well, do you think , you would like to play the game more often?"

"I don't see why not."

"Brilliant!" exclaimed Harry as he jumped off the couch and hurriedly picked up the muggle telephone device as he mumbled under his breath.

Draco stared at Harry curiously, just about to ask what Harry was up to when he got his response.

"Mr. Granger! I have some good news! Draco and I will also take part in the neighbourhood soccer league and would like to enroll right away for the practices as well!"

Oh Hell No!


A/N- Hellooooooo my lovelies!
It's been so long since I updated..but that's only because I am actually in a very gruelling course in my senior year of high school and I don't get that much time to write some Drarry. However. It was my best friend's birthday a few days back who loves Drarry too and I had written 3 Oneshots for her. This is one of them. Enjoy :)


P.S. We are nearing 3000 reads! This is so cool! Thank you sooo much :)

P.P.S. this onshot is unedited, so please feel free to notify me if u find any errors. Thank you 💜

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