Dinner and Drama

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"For the love of everything that is good in this world, Draco Lucius Malfoy, CALM DOWN!"

"How are you so calm, Harry? I would have thought that you like me would be really worried. I dread their reaction."

"Merlin help me, Draco! They are friends not my parents. You've known these people for more than eight years. What's there to worry about?"

"Yeah, I've known them as enemies. They hate me!"

"Oh come on Blondie, they are over that phase. We were kids. They're awesome people and everything is going to be fine."

"I'm not so sure."


Basically, Ron and Hermione were coming over for dinner and Draco and I were finally going to tell them that we were together. I would have told them ages ago, but thanks to Draco, every time I tried, that git would cook up some excuse and pull me away and then refuse to speak to me for a week. It took me an entire week of giving him gifts and promises when he finally agreed to having them over.

Personally I knew that Hermione would be awesome about it and that would be enough to make Ron shut up even if he did have any complaints. But of course, Draco wouldn't listen to me and continued having his way and clearly over-planning the 'casual dinner'.

If someone told me when I was in school that Draco was quite the housekeeper I would have laughed it off assuming his majesty to never do any chores beneath his royal status. But I was quite surprised and amused to see how much Draco could do if he wanted to make the night perfect.

Not only had he made lasagna with apple pie and his usually reserved oak matured mead, but had also decorated the entire house giving it a very classy and elegant vibe. I think he knew that if he managed to convince Hermione of his sincerity, more than half the battle was won. So he looked up muggle sayings and quotes, and he spent an entire day in the nearest mall (dragging me along as well) looking for something to wear. He finally settled with some black trousers, a striped shirt and an adorable little black bow-tie.

He put so much effort into it, that I didn't have the heart to make fun of him.

How cute.


It was about 7 o clock when Draco's drama began yet again. It was about time for Hermione and Ron to arrive and Draco had started to panic again.
I just continued to write my speech for the next Auror Conference while he asked me questions which I answered nonchalantly.

"Harry, these muggle clothes don't suit me."

"They do, Draco"

"Harry, Do I look fat?"


"Harry, do you think the house is clean enough?"


"Harry have you tasted the Lasagna?"


"Harry, do you think we should order ice cream?"


"Harry, do I look presentable?"


"Harry, why aren't you listening to me??"

And then I'd had enough. This boy was going to drive me crazy.

"Okay, that's it Blondie. Not another word from you. Everything is fine. If anything else I want you to know that their verdict doesn't matter. I love you and that should be enough for you. My views are not going to change because of them. So relax." And I pulled him closer and gave him a tight hug.

"Thanks Harry- "

"You guys are so cute!"

I jerked around to see Hermione smiling at me from the doorway and Ron clearly trying to hold back a snort.

Draco will whispered slowly, "You saw everything?"

"Yes we did Draco, and let me tell you that you guys are adorable together!"

Draco heaved a sigh before asking Ron quite wearily, "And you Weasel King?"

He gave Draco a look of disapproval before saying, "Well my dear ferret, I don't have any problem as long as Harry doesn't. I don't know about cute, but if your food manages to impress me, you've got nothing to worry about— Ouch Hermione, what was that for?"

"Shut up sometimes"

And we all burst out laughing.
Draco seemed to be himself again and I could see that Draco would find himself quite at home with my best mates.


A/N - Hey guys, I really wanted to have a Drama queen Draco so I thought I'd give this a try. I hope you like it :). Please comment!



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