Do you know who I am?

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Harry looked at the figure in front of him. A blonde lay on a stretcher, his breath breaking and his eyes closed. He was mumbling incoherently, and that was the only way Harry knew he was conscious.

He had barged his way in the Healing Room at The Order Headquarters, despite the healer's protests. He needed to see for himself that Malfoy was all right.

Draco remained still, and Harry swallowed nervously and then spoke to him.


His voice was gentle, almost a whisper.

Draco didn't reply so Harry pushed forward "I need to ask you a few questions, just to check if you're....well, stable. That's okay, yeah?"

Draco groaned in response and Harry presumed that to be a yes.

"Good. What's your name?", Harry asked.

The blonde mumbled and Harry repeated his question, trying not to let fear into his tone.

"" he replied finally. His voice was choked and raw, but even in his not so perfect state he stubbornly refused to add Malfoy to his name. Harry held back a smile. He clearly remembered Malfoy's promise to himself that he would become a new person after the war. A person not identified by being a 'Malfoy'.

"Do you know what happened?"

"Got hexed...that crazy witch..." He trailed off, waving his hand slightly- as if trying to bat away the annoying questions.

Harry nodded approvingly. So far, so good. Just one more question and he would be convinced. He just needed to know that Draco was all right.

"Do you... know who I am?"

The blonde opened one bleary eye and glared at him in blessedly familiar annoyance. "Harry Potter," he replied with a long suffering drawl "The Saviour. The Boy who lived. Scarhead. Dumbledore's pet. Worst Seeker Ever. The Git Who Won't Stop Asking Me Bloody Questions! Good enough for you, meathead? Or do you want it in writing?"

Harry tried and failed to suppress the grin that broke out on his face.

Thank Merlin he was all right.

A/N-- this one was quite short but I kinda like it.

Thanks for reading!

Lots of love,


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