The Best Form of Payment

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Draco Malfoy stood before me, not with his usual arrogant smirk but with desperation and sadness etched in every inch of his pale and perfect face.

I hadn't bothered to attend my Newt year at Hogwarts and had joined the Auror Force after passing a series of tests. My current job was to present all those convicted before the Wizengamot to ensure they received suitable punishment. Draco too, was convicted. It was common knowledge now that Draco Malfoy had been brandishing the Dark Mark and had been rumoured to be the cause of the death of Albus Dumbledore.

He came to my office a week before his trial and I let him in just to hear him out. Usually I would have scorned him, but just seeing his weary face I held myself back.

"Potter, I know I haven't made an appointment, but this was urgent."

"What can I do for you, Draco?"

"You of all people know why I am here."

"Ah, I do. But I want to hear it from you."

"Well then, if I must. You know that I have my trial on Friday. So I need your help.", he said catching my eye.

I motioned him to go on.

"As far as I know, just having the dark mark does not mean I am guilty. The only thing is, they think I killed Dumbledore."

"Well you didn't. So?", I said although I knew what he was about to ask of me.

"You and I know that Potter, and the death eaters know that. No one will believe them. They will require a witness. And I request you to help me"

"What about Dumbledore? Why don't you take the portrait of Dumbledore along with you?"

"I did think of that. I sent Madam Bones an owl asking if I could bring the portrait along. She said that the only witnesses applicable were wizards, but in special cases like these, you could bring them along if a notice was given two weeks prior. That opportunity has passed. So you are my only hope. You know I have committed no crime. I do not wish to go to Azkaban. My life will be ruined. So I request you to please be my witness."

I looked at his face and realized that along with the fear of me refusing, lied a sense of dignity that he refused to shed. It was quite adorable really. Draco and I had never been friends but seeing as he made the first move I should think he would be quite an interesting person to have around.

"What's in it for me, Draco?"

"Don't expect me to dramatically say, 'Anything', because I won't. I am a Malfoy and I would rather die than sell my soul to a Gryffindor."

Now that was just cute.

"I think I have just the right solution then, Malfoy", I said as I eyed his slender body and pale hands.

"And what might that be?"

"I will be the witness on the day of your trial, if you go on a date with me"

Cue the spit take

"A date?", he said a small smile forming on his lips.

"Yes. A date. Is it a deal?"


And he flashed me a proud smirk and walked out of the room with his head held high.

Ah. This was going to be fun.


A/N- This fanfic is my favourite so far for two reasons
A) Harry seems to be very hot
B) I seem to think that its adorable and maybe a little sensual at the same time
This fanfic also makes room for others I can write as sequels to this because it has so much that can happen after.

I hope you guys like it as much as I enjoyed writing it :)



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