Patronus Troubles

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The members of the D.A. were very excited as our Defence Against the Dark Arts Teacher, Professor Kingsley (Only for the time being), was teaching us how to create a patronus. Having already done it before everyone was quite excited to show each other their now well developed patronuses.

I vaguely recall me learning this particular spell as Professor Kingsley explains the wand movement and thought process behind the charm. I couldn't help but feel that Remus had done a great job teaching me this spell.

As soon as Kingsley gave the command there were patronuses running about everywhere. My stag erupted almost immediately and trotted around Kingsley quite proudly. It was a sight to see. Hermione's otter was being chased by Ron's Jack Russell Terrier, Neville's Toad and Luna's rabbit were hopping around merrily, and everyone was in great spirits. Even the usually sour Pansy Parkinson was watching her Siamese Cat Patronus in awe.

Kingsley was quite astonished that so many of us got our patronuses out in our first attempt and proceeded to congratulate each student the moment they were able to produce their patronus.

The only person who seemed to be down in the dumps was Malfoy. He stood in a corner angrily shaking his wand but nothing would come out. Kingsley would try and help once in a while but Draco, being a very stubborn student, did not listen. Soon enough the bell rang and students were beginning to walk out when Kingsley called Malfoy and I, to him.

"Mr.Malfoy, you were unable to create even the basic white wisp of your patronus today. I want you to choose a convenient time with Mr. Potter here and try to get it right. Mr. Potter I trust that you will be able to help Mr. Malfoy here, your patronus being quite perfect."

Malfoy nodded sullenly and walked out without a word. I shrugged and walked out as well.

Malfoy hadn't contacted me all day, so I assumed he would be fine himself.

While walking back to Gryffindor tower after supper, I heard faint noises coming from one of the classrooms nearby. I decided to investigate and checked all the rooms nearby before peeping into the DADA classroom. In one corner of the room I saw a familiar blonde sitting on a bench reading a big book that was titled "Patronuses and their Appearance"
While reading, he would close his eyes, wave his wand and say "Expecto Patronum", look up expectantly and then sigh is dismay. He certainly seemed annoyed that he was the only one who did not get even the first step of the charm right.

After a while he got up took a confident stance and tried again. I saw him try it quite a few times before I decided that I had to interrupt.

"Malfoy, let me help you"

His face jerked in my direction his calm look was immediately replaced by a frown.
"And why do you think I need your help, Potter?"

"Well, considering the fact that you have been practising for ages with no result does seem like you do need help"

"Mind your bloody business Potter, and stay away. I did not ask for you to be here. Be happy in your perfect world where Kingsley, McGonagall and the rest love you"

Controlling my laughter I said, "Oh come on Malfoy, just let me help, will you? The faster you let me, the quicker you can leave. Let me demonstrate"

I took a deep breath, thought about Umbridge dying and gave my wand a flick. "EXPECTO PATRONUM". The stag came out almost instantaneously and I watched Malfoy as he eyed the patronus in amazement. Then quite suddenly he saw me watching him and looked away muttering,

"The git has to show off."

He took his stance and tried to repeat what I had done, a tiny little wisp came out but nothing else.

"Malfoy, I think I've got it. The problem is not in your stance or wand movement. You are just not thinking of something that makes you happy."

"And don't you know it?"

Ignoring his comment I went on, "Dementors are one of the foulest creatures that exist. They live on sorrow. That is why you need to be extremely happy to expel them. Your memory needs to be very powerful so that, a patronus, your soul animal appears."

"Ooh, Potter is getting preachy"

"Shut up Malfoy. Just close your eyes. Say the charm when I tell you to"

He closes his eyes obediently and I walk around to him. I hold his hand that had the wand and put my other arm around him to lock his stance. I then whispered, "Now, Draco", and gave his wand a flick.

A weak patronus appeared, but it did appear this time. The only thing he needed was practice. Draco Malfoy hesitantly opened his eyes and was quite happy seeing a adorable little creature in front of him.

Then he realised what it was and groaned in frustration as I burst out laughing.

"I swear Potter, if you tell the Weasel, I will castrate you", he yelled, but I just couldn't stop laughing.

His Patronus was a Ferret.

A/N - Hey Guys! This One shot was suggested to me by one of my best friends who is currently not on Wattpad. So this oneshot is dedicated to her.

Id also like to thank all of you lovelies who read my previous one shot and supported it. So, Thank you all!

As per usual, tell me your suggestions because all criticism is appreciated.



P.S- Did any of you read Two and a Half men? If you did do let me know. Then we can Fangirl together. :)

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