Battling a werewolf-baby

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Hi guys. So I just sort of figured that this series is not really a Drarry fanfic. It's more of some funny teddy Draco scenes. You needn't read this if you are looking for Drarry. Instead I would encourage you to look up Two and A half men by HowDracogothisgrooveback on it is possibly the cutest Drarry I've ever read. So for all those of you who'd rather stay here, go ahead and tell me what you feel about the start of some pranks between a toddler and a sophisticated Malfoy

DRACO'S Point of View

"For Harry", I remind myself. "I'm doing this for Harry. It's not going to be all that bad. Harry deals with it everyday. It should be easy."

Basically, Harry Potter, as Chief Auror, had to go for a 'very important conference' to France. And during this period of two days, he had asked me to take care of his 'lovely godson' and unfortunately my cousin Teddy Lupin. I had tried really hard to wiggle my way out of it, but Harry was adamant. Our conversation went something like this:

"Teddy is only three years old Draco. How can I take him with me? I cannot leave him with the Weasley's because they have gone to Romania to visit Charlie. I would have sent him to Hermione's but she too is coming for this conference, So you are my only option."

"Why can't you ask somebody else to babysit him? Maybe Luna or even Neville. "

"Draco, you of all people know that Teddy takes time to get accustomed to people. He has never met Luna before and has only seen Neville once. I cannot leave Teddy with them knowing that he might create too much trouble for them unintentionally. It wouldn't be right. Come on Draco can't you do so much for me? I promise it will not happen again."

"Harry, you do not understand! Your angelic godson does everything in his power to irritate the living daylights out of me."

"Oh come on, Draco. He's just a toddler. He can't be all that bad. I stay with him. Never have I felt that he is annoying. He's only the best godson ever. Moreover, I have seen you with him. He always seems to be at his best behavior then, doesn't he?

"Yes, around you Harry, not me!"

"Stop whining like a baby, Draco. If anything, take it as an opportunity to befriend him. We will speak no more of this. I have to leave for work now, I'll see you tomorrow before I leave for France."

And so here I was standing on Harry's porch about to ring the doorbell with regret and only regret floating in my brain .

The door opens revealing a very attractive looking Harry, wearing his favorite black suit and his hair disheveled in a most appealing manner. On seeing me, his face broke into a smile and he pulled me into an embrace while giving me a small peck on my cheek.

"I'll be back soon enough Draco, with possible the best gift ever!"

I just snorted in response as he literally dragged me into his living room. And there he was. The little devil pretending to be as innocent as can be while playing with a children's story book. Suddenly, quite as though he noticed my presence he looked around and waved cheerily at me.

"Cousin Dwaco! You are here. We will have lots of fun togeder." , he said mischievously.

"Sure, you will bud", says Harry before mouthing, "See, He's such an adorable young werewolf-baby"

I just shake my head in response after which he gives up trying to convince me and starts telling me all the instructions.

"Draco, I have left a list of things on the refrigerator that you can do to keep Teddy happy. All of his food is already there in the cupboards and all of his toys in the kids room. Kreacher has been instructed to all the house work while you are here, but house work only Draco. He firmly refuses to go near Teddy-"

Well he's not the only one.

"--I will not be reachable for these two days, so please figure things out yourself. Let Teddy do whatever he wants except riding his toy broomstick. He keeps falling of it and breaking vases." Harry frowns as he scratches his neck deep in thought after which he says,

"I think that's about it. Try not to destroy my house."

I eye teddy wearily as smiles at me brightly, "We'll be fine here, Harry."

He lifts Teddy into his arms and gives him a small hug before saying, "Now, Teddy, be a good boy okay? Don't trouble Draco too much okay? If I you've been a good buy I will definitely buy you that muggle video-game you wanted. Okay, werewolf-kid? Promise me, you wont irritate him while I'm away?"

The kid snuggles into Harry's chest and replies, "Kay, 'Arry", in the most adorable way.

"Okay then, watch him for a bit Draco, while I get my suitcase from upstairs", Harry says as he puts the toddler down on his feet. It hadn't been two seconds since Harry left the room and Teddy ran towards me and crashed into my legs, making me stumble. He held my legs firmly and said,

"Cousin Dwaco, I'm sowwy for before. We will play a lot togeder?", as he flashes me a smile.

I don't know what I was thinking before. This kid is adorable. I smiled, ruffled his hair, and replied

"Sure , kid."

He hugged my legs in response and at that moment, Harry walked into the room. He saw Teddy hugging me, and mouthed a cheery, "See, he loves you!" while walking towards me. He picked Teddy up from the floor walked closer to me, gave me a small kiss and said, "Okay Draco, I'll see you in two days. I'll just help Ted here onto his toy car and I'll be off."

I cant believe how I had ever thought that cute little werewolf - boy to be a pain. Quite obviously he was a darling-

"DRACO! Are you deaf? Aren't you coming to see me off at the door?"

"Coming, Harry", I said as I took a foot forward."You cant blame me for thinking about your adorable little godso--"


Suddenly, my face was on the floor and a small bump forming on my forehead. Harry was laughing loudly as he placed that tiresome little brat into his toy car. The kid gave me a cheery smile as his eyes glinted with mischief. Teddy Lupin, you are going to regret tying my shoelaces together. You are going to regret ever messing with me.

Its so on.


A/N- Hey guys! its been soooo long since I updated! I hope you like mischievous teddy as much as I do.

The reason this one shot is a part 1 is that Harry is going to be away for 2 days, a lot of stuff can happen which i did not want to cram into one oneshot. So ill update the next part(s) as soon as i can and maybe things will get more interesting.

Who do you think will win the battle? Cute Teddy or Sassy Draco?

What drama will unfold as time passes?



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