Caught in the act...

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Rey put her phone down and breathed a sigh of relief. She was going to have to keep her guard up if she was going to continue working with Dr Skywalker. She jumped in the shower then tried to find something to wear. When she opened her wardrobe, an outfit caught her eye that made her giggle. Did she dare?

Ben knocked on Rey's door and heard a clatter inside,

'Rey?' He called out.

'Just a minute!' She called back.

When the door opened, his mouth fell open. She was standing in the doorway in what looked to be a Catholic schoolgirl uniform. He looked her up and down,

'Rey?' He asked questioningly. She pulled him inside.

'Thank Goodness you're here, I want to talk to you about some private lessons.'


Rey rolled her eyes and looked at him pointedly,

'I want to talk to you about some private lessons? I'm failing all my classes and I really need a teacher. If you can help me, I'm sure I could help you in return?'

'Ahhh, I see.' Said Ben, finally catching up. 'Well I'm sure we could come to some sort of an arrangement.'

She squealed when he picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist,

'Jees, for a genius it took you a while to cotton on.'

'I was rather stunned Rey, I wasn't expecting to be greeted by a male fantasy come to life.'

'ha ha, expect the unexpected when you are with me Mr. If you are very good, I might let you spank me later.'

She kissed him hard and tangled her hands in his hair that she loved so much. Just as she let out a soft moan, the door opened and Finn walked in.

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