Dreams can be revealing.....

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Finn and Poe tried to persuade her to go out for drinks that night but she refused. She didn't want to risk not getting up in time for Professor Solo's nine am seminar.

The house they shared off campus was quiet without the boisterous boys and Rey seized the opportunity to do some studying in peace. By ten, she was struggling to keep her eyes open so she dragged herself off to bed hoping the boys wouldn't be too loud when they finally returned home.

'Rey,' Professor Solo boomed.
She was in the lecture hall again but this time they were completely alone.

'You're late....again'

'Sorry Sir.' She pouted and looked down. She noted she was wearing a plain white blouse and a pleated plaid skirt and knee length white socks? Her old St Augustine's  school uniform? Why would she be wearing that?!

'You're behaviour is not satisfactory. I expect you to improve.' He cautioned her with a disapproving tone.

'I will Sir.' She eagerly agreed.

'Do you promise?'

'Sir?' His tone had changed, it was almost playful and she found it disconcerting.

He came to stand before her, towering over her tiny frame,

'Do you promise to be good?'

She noticed his eyes swept over her body as he spoke.

'Yes Sir, I promise.' She agreed with wide eyes.

He smiled at her then, and her heart thudded in her chest. He really was handsome when he smiled.

'I am pleased to hear that,' he I should hate to have to punish you.'

'Wwwwhhat?' Rey asked.

Professor Ren lowered his head to place his mouth to her ear,
'If you are late for my class once more, I shall put you over my desk and spank you, do I make myself clear?'

Rey didn't respond. She stood in shock not from his words but from the effect his words had had on her.  Hot, heavy arousal clouded her senses. The thought of him lowering her over his desk, standing behind her, slowly pushing up her skirt and taking off his belt.......

'Rey!' The sing song voice of her best mate interrupted her dream and the heat that had flooded her body moments before fizzled out .

She punched her pillow in frustration. God, what a dream! How on earth has she developed a crush on the gruffest Professor at UCL! She laughed at the absurdity of it all.

'Finn! She screamed, 'some of us are trying to sleep!'

'Well you're up now aren't ya? So come and have some pizza with us!'

Rey rolled her eyes. It was impossible to stay mad at Finn. She dragged herself out of bed and padded bare foot to the living room.

Beep Beep Beep Beep! Her alarm demanded her attention.

'No!' Rey moaned, scrunching up her nose and burying her head in her pillow.

'Rey!' Finn popped his head around her bedroom door.

'Don't you have to be in class at nine!'

'Yeah but it's just gone seven!' She shot back.

Rey knew she had set her alarm to wake her at seven.

'Wrong! It's 8:40 and you are going to have to be late for Professor McStuffypants if you don't get a move on.'

Rey jumped up,
'Oh god! He is going to kill me!'

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