The Rivals Part 2

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Ben paced his office anxiously. He checked his phone. Nothing. She was ten minutes late. Rey was never late. He clenched his jaw,

What did he say to you? Rey it's lies. Please believe me.

He knew it had been a bad idea to agree to this. What the hell has he said to her?

Twenty minutes later and Ben was slamming open Dr Skywalker's office,

'What did you say to her? She hadn't shown for my session.'

'Ben calm down, perhaps she is just running late, perhaps she just lost track of time?'

Ben brought his fist down hard on Luke's desk,

'I won't let you poison her against me old man.'

'Check your tone Ben, why does it matter so much to you what this student in particular thinks about you? Why is she so special?'

Because I'm in love with her, but you think it's all just a sordid affair don't you? You short sighted old fool.....

'She is important to my work and I don't want you messing with her head just because of this rivalry between us.'

Luke looked fierce,

'I really like Rey a lot and I don't want to see her get hurt Ben. This isn't a game. This is a real girl with real feelings.'

'I don't know what you're talking about. Our relationship is strictly professional.'

'Sure it is.'

'I will find out what you did to her.'

'Ditto Professor Solo, ditto.'

The two men stared at each other but then Ben's phone vibrated and he checked it immediately,

I need to speak to you, I need some answers.

Ben turned to Luke,

'I have to go.'

'Of course you do.'

'Say hi to Rey for me' Luke called as Ben left.

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