No going back.....

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All those times he has resisted, all those cold showers and long nights reading obscure research texts to try and keep his mind off her, and it was her who came to him.

His walls broke down at the soft feel of her body against his, her hands in his hair and her tongue gently teasing his mouth.

Groaning he pushed her against the bookcase, causing some of the books to rattle free and fall to the floor. He kissed her hard and she moaned slightly.

He ran his hand up her leg and hitched her thigh up, with his other hand he held the nape of her neck.

'You and these tempting little skirts,' he hissed as his hand travelled further up her thigh. 'God Rey, you've been driving me wild.'

'Good, I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one suffering.' She panted. 'You mask your feelings so well.'

'I've been tormented, every hour I'm alone with you,' he said as he placed a trail of kisses down her neck, 'being so close to you and not being able to touch you has been torturous.'

'I want you to touch me,' she breathed. 'I need you to touch me.'

'I need it too.' He said capturing her mouth once again.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and wound her legs around his waist. Adrenaline rushed through her veins and she felt lightheaded. Every time he touched her, another piece of her became his.

His hands were skilful just as she knew they would be.

'Oh god, yes.' She moaned as his fingers slid under her skirt.

'Do you want this Rey? Do you want me?' He teased her as he gently caressed her.

'Yes, you don't know how many times I've dreamt about you touching me like this, only to wake up and realise it was all in my head.'

'I've dreamed about you too Rey.' He said as he gently pushed her underwear aside and pressed his fingers against her. She was ready for him.

She cried out and gripped his shoulders, her eyes were wild now.

Gently he pushed inside her as she threw back her head and drew in a sharp breath.

He looked at her in awe, she was so beautiful with her eyes closed and her hair cascading in dark swirls around her delicate shoulders. 

When her release came she called out his name and he had to cover her mouth to prevent them from being discovered.

He kissed her gently as she came back down to earth.

'Ben,' she said taking his face in her hands. 'Ben I....'

The sharp knock on the door made them both jump. Ben calmly seated himself at his desk and Rey busied herself at the bookshelf.

Without waiting for an invitation, Dr Skywalker barged into the room and fixed his eyes on Solo's.

'You are not poaching anymore of my research assistants. They can learn more in a week with me then they can in a year with you!' He cried then he spotted Rey and eyed her suspiciously.

His eyes went from Rey's to Ben's and back again. Rey knew her cheeks were flushed and her lips were swollen. She prayed he wouldn't notice. She smiled slightly and placed some books back on the shelf.

'Dr Skywalker, always a pleasure.' Ben drawled. 'I have stolen no one, research assistants apply for new roles all the time. Don't take it personally.'

'You've been slandering my name! Telling them not to work with me!'

'I have done nothing of the sort. I've been exceedingly busy with lectures and seminars and tutoring Rey.' He gestured towards her. 

He wished he hadn't brought her name up. Dr Skywalker looked at her again. 

'Fine,' he conceded. 'Just don't let it happen again.' He stormed from the office.

Rey let out the breath she had been holding in,
'God Ben, do you think he knows? The way he looked at me......'

'He might suspect, but he wouldn't dare say anything until he had evidence.'

He came towards her,
'It just means we will have to be make sure we are careful.'

He ran a finger along her lower lip.

'And make sure we lock that door next time.'

Rey's heart thumped in her chest. She knew it was wrong but the pull to be with him was so strong she knew she couldn't resist it.

'Rey you better go, I've got a lecture to prepare for.' He kissed her. 'Tomorrow, same time?'

She nodded and he smiled.

'Goodbye Rey.'

She walked home in a daydream, she couldn't stop thinking about how he had wanted her too. He could have had anyone but he wanted her.

She didn't know how he would react when she told him she loved him. The thought chewed her up inside. Could he love her too? Or was he just caught up in his attraction for her? She wished she could read his mind. She pushed the thought away and tried to focus on other things, but his intense eyes wouldn't leave her mind.

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