The truth comes out

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The moment her phone started to ring she answered it,

'Is it true?'

'Is what true?'

'Was there another student before me? Did you seduce another student before me?'

'Of course it's not true and I never set out to seduce you! If I recall you were the one who made the first move....'

'Stop changing the subject!'

'I told you this would happen, I told you what he would try to do. For gods sake Rey, do you really think I would do that?'

'I don't know. I find I know very little about you, I know nothing of your past.'

Silence on his end.

'Well? Talk to me.'

'Okay there was a girl...'

'Oh god I knew it! You bastard! How many of us have you fooled? I've been sleeping with you for weeks! I'm in love with you, you disgusting....'

'Rey! Listen to me! She wasn't a student, she was a lecturer at the same university. We were together for, a few years. Sabrina. Her name was Sabrina.'

'Oh.' Rey sat down. 'Well, that's different.... what happened?'

'What always happens eventually she saw through me, but in this instance she saw right through me to the vice chancellors son, Armitage Hux. A snivelling little brown nosing waste of space, coasting on his fathers achievements. I didn't take the rejection well and I was asked to leave after I..... well after I broke his snivelling brown nose.'

'You punched him?' Rey laughed,'Why wouldn't you tell me that?'

'Rey! I'm a respected expert in my field! I don't want it getting out that I have a violent nature. Anyway the past has no place here, all that matters is my future, with you.'

Her heart did a little flip.

'Ben Solo, nothing is ever easy with you is it?'

'No, and I'm sorry for that but I'm trying Rey. For you, I'm trying.'

Rey bit her lip, there really wasn't any point her trying to deny it, Ben was her end game. For better of worse.

'The boys are out.....' she hinted.

'Already on my way.' He said before hanging up.

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