Rey's world falls apart.....

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Rey found she enjoyed working for Dr Skywalker. He let her have quite a lot of creative input and he really was brilliant. A few weeks went by and he never mentioned Ben at all. Then one day she was finishing up some filing and he made a comment that made her see what Ben had been warning her about.

'How do you compare working with me to working with Professor Solo, Rey? I would like to know if we have any similar routines?'

'It's much nicer working with you, for one your office space is so much lighter, I don't know why he insists of keeping his office so dark!' She said trying to keep the tone of the conversation playful.

Dr Skywalker chuckled,

'Yes it is a dreary office.'

Rey wanted to argue that despite the lighting issue his office was actually very chic and functional but she just nodded in agreement.

'You know, he shouldn't have been employed at all.'

'Oh,' Rey asked innocently, 'why is that?'

'There was a huge scandal at his last university. He was asked to leave.'

Rey's heart quickened,

'Well that sounds worrying, I assume you aren't aware of the particulars?'

'I know some of it, there was a girl. A student. He had an affair with her.' He looked at her pointedly.

Rey nearly dropped the folders she was putting away, she felt the colour drain from her face,

'Are you sure?'

'Quite sure, I have some friends who work at that university.'

Rey felt sick,

'I would be surprised if that were true.... Professor Solo really doesn't seem like the type.'

Oh god, please don't let it be true.

Dr Skywalker ignored her,

'The girl was quite taken with him, I understand she really didn't take it well when he broke it off. I mean honestly did she really think the relationship was going anywhere? She was just a distraction, a way to let off steam.'

Rey finished the filing with shaking hands,

'Well I had better go. I have a session with Professor Solo soon.'

'Oh do you,' he asked innocently, 'Well do say hi from me won't you?'

'I will,' she managed a smile. 'I will see you tomorrow Dr Skywalker.'

The moment she was out of the room, she slid to the floor and put her head in her hands.

She knew two things in that moment, the Dr Skywalker was definitely aware of their relationship and that he had planted the seed of doubt in her head about Ben.

It was very possible that it was all lies, but what if it was true? What if despite his motives he really has just taught her a valuable lesson?

She looked at her phone, she was going to be late if she didn't hurry up, but she couldn't will her legs to move.

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