Reason and Desire

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It was Friday night and the bars were packed and Rey was losing her patience as the boys emptied her purse to quench their thirst.

'Can I go?' She shouted over the music.

'No!' They shouted back in unison. She rolled her eyes. Her phone vibrated in her pocket.

Hey, where are you? You're not home.

Her heart pounded. He was at her house?

I'm in the bar around the corner. Finn and Poe are here too.

Come home now.

She gulped and finished her vodka and coke.

I can't! They won't let me leave!

Tell them you have a headache.

Bit of a cliche but not a bad idea....Rey give the boys her best sad face, rubbed her head and give them everything that was left in her purse, hoping it would keep them out as long as possible.

She ran back to the house, he was leaning against the door with his arms folded looking pissed off.

'Why did you go to the bar? You told me you never go out with them.'

'Can we go inside before somebody sees us?'

She unlocked the door and he barged in catching her hand and pulling her towards him. He pushed her up against the shut door and kissed her. She could taste whiskey on his breath. He pulled away, in the darkness he looked menacing,

'Answer my question, why did you go to the bar?'

'They asked me and I said yes.'

'That doesn't really answer my question and don't you think that top is a little too revealing?'

Rey looked down at her red blouse, it was cut a little low but,

'Hold on!' She pushed him away, 'You don't get to comment on my clothes! And you don't get to tell me what to do! You're not even my boyfriend but even if you were you wouldn't....'

He cut her off by kissing her hard. She lost her train of thought and gave in to the sensation. He pulled away again, she wished he would stop doing that,

'You're right. I don't have any right to tell you what to do but I'm going to do it anyway. That's the kind of man I am. I'm demanding and possessive and I don't like to share. Is that the kind of guy you want Rey? Am I really what you want?'

She knew what he was trying to do, he was trying to get her to push him away. He wanted her to be the one to end it.

'Yes, I want you.' She didn't even have to think, she knew his flaws and she loved him anyway.

'Then we are both fools.' He declared. 'I should stop this....I should be the one to walk away before I hurt you.'

'If you walk away from me, you will break my heart, so stay with me and you can break it tomorrow.'

She put her hand out to him,

'Please.' The word came out as barely a whisper.

and he took it.

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