"Water clone..." I muttered feeling stupid for not picking up on that sooner. The real Zabuza appeared behind Kakashi-sensei holding a knife to our teacher's neck the same way Kakashi-sensei had held his knife to the clone earlier.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto yelled out worriedly as Sakura muffled a helpless cry. Kakashi-sensei gave us all a friendly smile before he too splashed into a puddle at our feet.

"I see," Zabuza spoke. He turned on his heel and began to laugh as he dodged Kakashi-sensei's next attack.

He jumped away from our sensei, "you had already copied my jutsu before I even made my move. You spoke to that little brat over there with your clone in order to draw my attention away. Clever, copycat nin. But be warned, I won't fall for the same trick twice!" the two clashed in a heated battle of taijutsu and the mist around us began to clear up as Zabuza focused more on his fight with Kakashi-sensei than keeping up the jutsu.

What... is that smell?

My nose twitched and my focus turned away from the battle in front of me to the forest around us.

"Lilly and pine needles..." I muttered to myself not noticing my team giving me weird looks. My eyes darted around the forest surrounding us. For some reason I was having a hard time pinpointing the scent, something that had never happened to me before.

"Uh, Miyu, are you ok?" Naruto asked distractedly as he watched the battle before us.

"Uh," I murmured in a half-hearted attempt at replying to the boy who probably wasn't listening to me anyways.

"Hey, brat, you're freaking me out." Tazuna grumbled as he shakily lifted his bottle to his lips in an attempt to hide his fear.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Sakura screamed. My eyes widened and I spun to see our sensei caught in a water prison. Zabuza had made a clone to come after us as he held our sensei captive.

Torn between wanting to aid my team and discover what that unusual scent was, I worriedly watched my sensei for any reprieve from my decision. Kakashi-sensei watched me carefully. I glanced between him, the Zabuza clone, and the forest surrounding us in an attempt to tell him. Kakashi-sensei raised a speculative eyebrow at me.

Kakashi-sensei your eyebrow answers none of my questions.

"Listen, Team 7. Zabuza has to keep his arm here to keep up the water prison jutsu and his clone can't go far from his original. I want you all to take the bridge builder and run." Kakashi-sensei called out.

"What? And leave you, Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura yelled back with tears in her eyes at the mere prospect of abandoning our sensei. Zabuza laughed.

"Admittedly, it's a good idea. You brats wouldn't stand a chance against me. That's why you should just hand over the bridge builder and scurry on home." I frowned. Whenever an enemy tells you something is a good idea it's almost always a terrible idea.

Plus, wasn't it Kakashi-sensei that told us never to abandon our friends? 'Those who ignore the rules are scum, but those who would abandon their friends are worse than scum'. Kakashi-sensei is our friend too.

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