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"We'll find her," Teresa reassured Elsa, gently taking her hand.

Elsa smiled, squeezing her hand. Emma looked hesitant about leaving. "It's okay. Go. We'll be here."

"If you don't mind me asking, what's Anna like?"

Elsa smiled and glanced up from the book to look at the cousin she was quite excited she had found. "You'll love her. She's so kind, funny, caring...and she's always full of positive energy. She'll be excited to know we have a cousin."

Teresa smiled. "Do you think when this is all over you can maybe help me control my magic? I mean, I'd ask my mom, but who knows if she'll have her magic after all of this is over. Plus, it'll give us time to get to know each other."

Elsa grinned. "That would be lovely. I'd be happy to teach you, though I must admit, I'm still getting used to controlling them myself."

"Thanks, Elsa."

All of a sudden, the two cousins could hear the door burst open and footsteps. They jumped from their seats, watching as Emma ran into the room, slightly out of breath.

Teresa's eyes widened when she seen the look on her face. "What's wrong?"

"David called me, your mom's at the clock tower. She's up to something," Emma replied.

Without a word uttered, Teresa ran from the station toward the clock tower she seen the other day. She could hear footsteps behind her, but that didn't stop her. Teresa bolted through the doors of the clock tower, only to realize she had no idea how to reach the top. Emma and Elsa ran in and Emma led them straight to the elevator.

Pressing the button, the iron gate closed and they were brought to the top.

"What the hell is this thing?" Teresa asked, gripping Emma's arm so she wouldn't fall as the elevator jolted for just a moment.

"It's called an elevator," Emma replied. "It's quicker than stairs."

The elevator stopped and they finally reached the tower. Teresa ran out first, climbing the stairs as fast as she could. There, she spotted her mother standing before a mirror.

Ingrid turned around and smiled at her daughter. "Teresa."

"Mom, what are you — "

"Emma, now!" Elsa shouted.

Emma held up the candle and quickly lit it with her magic. She then blew, causing the magical yellow flame to the wrap around Ingrid's wrists. The magic glowed around Ingrid's wrists before forming into shackles.

Ingrid stared at them in shock, moving her fingers to try and use her magic. It didn't work, her powers had been neutralized.

"You did it!" Elsa grinned and threw her arms around Emma.

Emma hugged back. "Yeah. I guess I did."

"You got me," Ingrid said, shocked, though silently proud of Emma. She then glanced at her daughter. "Teresa, how could you let them do this to me?"

"This is the way it has to be, mom, I'm sorry," Teresa replied.

Teresa stood in the questioning room with Emma and Elsa. Ingrid was still shackled as she sat in front of them, her eyes on her daughter.

"All right, Queenie, time to talk," Emma demanded. Ingrid remained silent, though she did smile at the fiery blonde that was the Savior.

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