15 {Demons Inhabit Me}

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Rebekah barges through the door to see her three brothers huddled together with Freya and Hayley standing by the stairwell. She demands to know where Finn is, but Elijah informs her that he came with one thing. A plea. Once he said his peace, he disapparated. 

Klaus explains his apprehension to trust their eternally traitorous brother, however, all his brother wanted was death. An interesting plea, one that he is glad to grant, and one he definitely believes. Rebekah didn't know what to process. She assumed this was why Freya looked so melancholy. 

Marcel carefully takes a seat next to Klaus who nods in his direction before settling his eyes back to his younger brother.

"Where's Edie?" Rebekah asked, but based on the glowering looks from her three brothers she realized that maybe this question is better left alone. 

Edie was still sitting in the hotel room with her bags precariously packed. She wanted to fix this. If she could fix this without the Mikaelsons, then she could break her bond with them. Then she could be with Kol without any strings. No concessions or guilt.

She saw the old Chevy and before she could think twice about what this all meant, she magically hot wired the ignition, threw her bags in the cab and put the truck in reverse.

She drove straight through the night and the welcome sign almost seemed to ironic. Welcome to Mystic Falls. If she was going to get any answers, it would be in the beacon town Mystic Falls.

She parked in front of the public library. Inside was barren which was expected during a summer holiday, but the eery air seemed to heighten her suspicion. Even the librarian wasn't on duty. In and out she though to herself. 

She was scrolling through the restricted section. Where were they? They should be right here.

Then they was a small creak. Just as she was about to bolt she noticed the dust in this specific section has been disturbed. She glanced to the left and right and noticed the dust was still settled, but not here. Great, I'm a step behind.

"Witches don't really need to search a library for what they need, nowadays. We have personal collections. And then Google," the young witch joked with arms crossed. Edie took a deep breath and turned to face the young witch.

So this was the famous Bennett witch living on borrowed time. Edie looks her up and down and tries to decipher whether her own legend had reached such a young person's ears. They make small talk about the why's and who's, all the while both of them have their magic completely at their disposal.

"So, Bonnie, now that we have become somewhat officially acquainted, why don't you tell me why you hid the books on equivalent exchange?"

Bonnie's friendly facade faded to caution. She asked why someone would be looking for those, it's not like ancient magic is actually useful as no one can do it. Then Edie countered, if it is of no consequence then why would Bonnie hide them? Bonnie's eyes never left Edie's. 

"If you tell me why you want them, then I might be able to help you. If you don't, then I might not."

Edie smirked at her spunk. She could tell this witch had seen more than she let on. When someone goes to the other side, they always leave something behind. Their innocence. Luckily for Edie, she had been to the other side as well.

Edie looked to Bonnie's hands and within seconds deduced where they were. She bid Bonnie farewell. Since Bonnie wasn't going to help her then that meant she would have to just go find them on her own. Bonnie challenged that there was no way she was going to just let Edie walk out of here without learning her intent.

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