11 {Forget What I Said}

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Edie studied her hands, free from scorch or burns, as if she was re-born like a phoenix from a flame. Her skin was glowing in the spring sun peeking around the church.

She felt this foreign feeling creep into her chest. She was free. The breeze felt cleaner as it wisped through the courtyard. She couldn't believe the ancestors had been so benevolent as to release her so quickly. Edie tried to recollect how the ancestors were assuaged, but her memory of her final moments on the other side were hazy.

However, she quickly re populated her mind with the memory of him and quickly made her way towards town. She had to be with him and let him know she was here with him. When she saw him walking nonchalantly in front of the dowager's cottage and her breath caught in her throat.

Her ears pounded like war drums leading to very soft whisper, "Kol?"

Edie's lip quivered as she watched him stop. He turned and all the color from his face drained and came back within two seconds.

She took steps toward and each one was mirrored by him until there were inches between them. He dropped his coffee cup beside them and whisked her into a twirling hug.

"You're here? How are you here? Edith Anne, you amazing woman. Oh, how I've missed you," he cradled her into his larger embrace and she felt so warm and limitless.

"Kol. I-I..." she was trembling. Her words were lost as if she had forgotten how to speak.

He pulled her back and studied her face with a stupid grin spread from one ear to another. He couldn't contain his happiness. The woman of his dreams, the love of his very being was standing before him again.

"I thought I had lost you, Edie darling," Kol stated while running his thumbs over her cheeks and cradeling her neck.

Edie's cheeks tinged pink as she remembered the last time he had uttered those words.

'Can you take me to a hotel?' she had told him then. She wanted to repeat the phrase but when she went to speak she couldn't.

Kol saw panic flash across her face and quickly ushered her into the dowager's cottage. He held her hands firmly and his eyes bore into hers.

"Edie darling, what is wrong?"

She lightly ran her fingers over the front of her neck and then her worried eyes met his.

"What is it? What aren't you telling me?"

She shook her head and pointed at her throat and he connected the clues. He pulled her into his chest.

"Don't worry. Let's get you to the house and we can sort this out there," he claimed.

She kept looking around and Edie couldn't fathom what feeling she was having. She reasoned maybe the ancestors had let her go with an eternal punishment. She started bartering and before they reached the manor she had come to terms that should she be forever a mute, so long as she had Kol, it was all worth it.

Freya was in the kitchen mixing together some protection charms to send to Hope. Freya felt that even though Hope was probably perfectly safe in Mystic Falls at the institute, a little extra help never hurt. She heard the front door slam and she knew one of her brothers was home.

She went to scold the thoughtless sibling when her eyes landed on Edie.

Freya ran towards the woman and hugged her tightly.

"Oh, Edie, you've returned. I thought we were going to have to wait a century until we saw you again," Freya cooed in their embrace.

"Sister, I hate to break up a happy reunion, but she isn't all back," Kol uttered.

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