9 {Crying Shame}

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Edie fluttered her eyes open and felt her tense muscles stretch to the pillows surrounding her. The bed she had settled in the night before was empty. She searched the room for any sign of Kol but found none. She suddenly felt very exposed and pulled all the blankets towards her to hide her bashfulness. 

"Woah, now, Edie darling, what's the rush? I only skipped out to grab us some brunch, no need to run out on me," Kol's mischievous smile as he sets a brown paper bag down and hands her a cup coffee.

"I know you love the smell of coffee and hazelnut after being spelled. Besides, my dearest Edie, I didn't very well want you thinking I had any intention of letting the most powerful witch in the world out of my sight."

She smiled as took a sip of the warm coffee before a warm pairs of lips soon followed. She didn't want any of this to end. This feeling of normalcy, of love. It was all too much that a single tear fell down her cheek.

"What's wrong, my dear? Am I not what you had hoped for?" he sounded half-joking and half-concerned.

Edie raised her hand and trailed it down his cheek.

"I love you, Kol Mikaelson. I will even after my death day. I am just sad to know that I won't get to see you since that day will come so soon."

"You will have to elaborate, Edie darling, because it sounds to me like you are trying to say goodbye and I will not let you. I can't lose you. I selfishly can't imagine my life with out you."

He was clutching both her forearms and she could feel him restraining from making his hands permanent fixtures in her skin. She stared into his eyes and saw the worried man she loved look so fragile in this moment, but she couldn't allow him to waiver.

"Kol, I don't want to lie to you, and we know my fate. It's sealed with your father. I am linked to him and no Sanguinis Knot or other representational magic will change that."

"There must be a way. I swear unto my own heart I will find a way to un-link you from my wretched father. I swear to you, Edith Anne," Kol pleads while pulling her to him. He needed her close to him. He could feel her slipping away already and he all too soon felt an empty void consuming him.

"Kol, please, listen to me. I have lived long enough. I have aided in so many tragedies and hurt so many innocent lives. And now, I hold the power of not only two six-hundred-something-odd witches, but four other young girls. For them to be Reaped and reborn, for all this magic to be released... I need to die and I need to be left without consummation."

Kol felt as if his world was crumbling and he was losing his footing. Edie squeezed him even tighter to let him know she didn't want to leave him, but she needed to go. 

"Why can't you stay? I don't want to ask it of you. I know why you want this, but please... I need to say it, Edie darling. Please stay."

Edie let out a whimper and bit her lip to stop herself. She knew he knew she wanted to. He knew that had they met before, things would have been different. Had his family not fled during the plague to use it as a ruse, maybe they could've met on different circumstances. He held onto her as if his grasp was going to keep her there forever.

Then a loud buzzing echoes from the table. Kol flashed there and engaged in a hushed conversation with his brother. Meanwhile Edie quickly put on his watch and dressed herself.

"It seems my family wants to discuss how we are to move forward... and praytell why do you have my watch, Edie darling?"

"Because I, too, must go conspire with my master and I have always fantasized about wearing my boyfriend's shirt after our shared night but, given I don't want to raise even more suspicion with your father, the watch comes as a close enough second."

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