16 {Show Up Alone}

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Freya had disappeared into her room with Keelin hot on her heels. Freya didn't even get to speak to her eldest brother. The one person she knew would understand her and he was gone as quickly as he came. 

Elijah and Klaus had to drag Kol's unconscious body down to the cellar and lock him up with enchanted shackles. Elijah and Klaus shared a look. One minute they were apologizing and the next minute he was daggered. It seemed a bit too much for them too look at. With one shared look, Klaus gently slid the dagger out. 

Kol was coming to. He saw all his siblings lest Freya and jangled the shackles against the bars. Klaus and Elijah started with the speech of family and Finn was a part of that and now he is gone. However, all Kol could continue on with was Edie must have had a reason. She would not do this without a reason. He pleaded with his family just to trust him.

Rebekah was in shock. Why was her younger brother not seeing reason? His Edie was gone. She had officially turned her backs on them. Which made sense, but shouldn't it also make sense that he, their younger brother, see this common theme. She may have saved them, but all those warm and fuzzy feelings retracted once she learned how they all put the wheels in motion to erase her. Kol begged for them to just trust him on this.

"We will trust you, once you learn to trust us, Kol!" Rebekah raised her voice. She was staring at her younger brother and tried to force him to see that what they are doing is for him, and for the family.

Kol looked up into the eyes of Rebekah and Elijah with contempt. He knew their reasoning. It was the same reasoning they always used. Always and forever. We are a family.

"I know that you have always been reckless, dear brother. But I know you are not immune to reason. You must see we are only protecting you through this tragic sacrifice. We need you to comprehend the gravity of the situation now," Elijah exasperatedly sighed.

Kol flexed his wrists against the chains that bound him to the wall. He looked up at the moonlight that had shone directly on him and smiled.

"Edie would've loved to be here."

Rebekah and Elijah silently shook their heads before walking up the stairs leaving Kol alone with Klaus in the cellar. Klaus looked at his younger brother smiling and for some reason he saw Henrik. His youngest brother was sitting there, chained in their cellar, smiling at the moon without a care in the world. 

Klaus took a step away form the apparition, before analyzing the boy closer and he slowly approached him until he features melted back to the haggard Kol that sit before him. Klaus knelt down and Kol listlessly raised his head to meet his older brother's gaze.

"We are Mikaelsons. I know I have an odd way of showing it, but you are my family, Kol and I need you by my side. If I didn't care for you, I would have put a White Oak stake through you... I-"

"If you don't know and you don't understand then just leave, Nik. Leave me here to rot," Kol spat with distaste. He was tired of constantly being forced to prove his intentions. To prove to his family that he knows what is best for him. For her.

Klaus made a move towards the stairs, before stopping. He looked back to see Henrik again and he couldn't force himself to move any further. He blinked and his youngest brother faded away as if he were never there. Because he wasn't, he was dead and gone. He let out a moan before returning to his spot next to Kol.

Kol's surprised expression only increased when his brother suggested, "then help me understand, brother."

Kol looked uneasy at the proposition, but slowly he began to explain himself. Why he steals form his siblings, why he constantly tries to outsmart them, why he is always wanting their approval.

Coven of Two || Kol Mikaelson Ficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें