{Chapter Thirty Five}

Começar do início

"..hm....but you two are dating now huh."


"And do you know that if you break my little brother heart, I will break your soul and I will brutally murder you."



Dream looks through his contacts and was debating whether or not to call Ink. He wanted to decline Ink request but he doesn't know what will happen if he does that. He decided to take the risk and call Ink.


"H-hey....Ink....It's me Dream.."

"Okay. Are you ready to tell me your answer? Or are you going to be a piece of useless positivity?"

"......I...made up my mind."


"I'm declining."

"And why's that? Clearly you know what you're doing and it seems you didn't put much thought into this."

"I did put thought into what you said Ink and I'm declining. I made my mind up and that's my answer."

"You'll regret it Dream. I know you will once you see what happens."


Blue and Fell were sitting next to each other in Blue's room.

"So Felly, do you still love me?" He ask.


"And are you jealous that I'm dating Error?"



"....Yeah..I'm... jealous..."

"If you were a yandere like me. What would've you done?"

"I...uhm.." Fell looks down as he pounder what he would do if he was a crazy yandere like Blue.

"I will kill Error. Say he... suicide...and uhm try and win your heart." Fell spoke up a few minutes later.

"Oh okay! Though Fell you do hesitate those time when I allowed you to kiss me. Why's that?"

"....I didn't want you to lose your first kiss to me since...people say the first kiss is important..or some shit. Also, you talked about how much you wanted to kiss Error and that what you wanted to do for your first kiss. So yeah."

"Are you heartbroken?"

"No, not really since you still care and love me but not as a romantic way. At least we don't stop being friends, we're still friends and you're someone I could rely on if anything happens. "

Blue pulled Fell into a hug and nuzzles him, "You're my buddy... forever. Maybe if Error dares to cheat on me with anyone, I'll do a payback on him and date you so he could see how much he made me suffer. I don't think he will cheat on me but if he does, I already have plans."

"You always do, Blue."

"Mhm..and you know almost all of it."

They both went silent for a couple of seconds before Fell spoke up.

"Have you seen Ink by any chance?"

"No I haven't, why you ask Fell?"

"....I feel like he's up to something...and it's not good. He knows that both of us are murders, he could tell your brother and that gets both of us in trouble. Or he might be planning something to get rid of one of us or someone dear to us. I dunno why but I just feel off that he haven't been around anyone."

"Huh..I could spy on him." Blue spoke as his gaze met Fell's. "And I have you as my communication if anything happens."

"Wait...are you seriously gonna do it?"

"We're just going to check if Ink is doing something bad. If he isn't we'll let him be. But, if he is... we'll find a way to stop it."

"Sounds good, Fell?"

"Yeah it does sound good."

"Alright! It's settled!! Deadly Sins are coming back!!"

"Is that our team name?"

"Yes Dark, thats our team name."

"Oh okay."

"Hehe let's get started shall we?"


The two started planning on how they're going to do it without getting caught.

Error didn't knew, Stretch didn't knew, no one knew except Sci, Fell, and of course Blue.

Falling For A Berry (Error x Blue)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora