"Pass the champagne" I said towards Tyler, he grinned over to me and passed the bottle. I poured myself a glass and downed it to refresh myself. I placed the cold bottle on Josh's body so he opened his eyes. "Want some?" I offered, he sat up and took a swig from the bottle itself.

"Gross Josh" Jenna yelled over to him, he handed it back to me while he sat there smiling.

"It's my birthday, I can do what I want" he shrugged, I snatched the bottle off him and handed it back to Tyler. I grinned back at Josh to prove him wrong, he just laughed and kissed me hard. I moved away from Josh and went to sit next to Jenna, Tyler replaced me and sat next to Josh. I knew to give them alone time when they were together.

"Is he enjoying it?" Jenna asked, I nodded.

"I hope so" I watched him and Tyler talk and laugh with each other.

"I want to go swimming" I said out of the blue. Her eyes widened as she clearly agreed with me.

"Ty, we're going swimming!" Jenna yelled towards the boys.

Jenna jumped in first to the clear blue water, when Dave gave us a reassurance that there was nothing was going to get us I jumped in after. We laid out on the water and splashed each other until we heard the boys yelling at us.

"Incoming!" Tyler screamed before doing a canon bomb into the water next to Jenna. I watched them splash each other and then turned my head back to Josh who was standing at the edge.

"Come on Josh" I yelled. Jenna and Tyler joined in at yelling at him to come in. Josh turned around and backflipped into the water, we all cheered as he swam towards me. I placed my hands on his shoulders and wrapped my legs around him so I was clinging to him. I stared at my beautiful boyfriend as he turned a year older and felt so in love with him I could burst.

"What?" He laughed at me staring at him. I squeezed his body between my thighs and leant down to kiss him. His kisses were what I lived for, when I was kissing him I was at my most happy. I bit his lip causing him to moan, I unattached our lips and grinned as he grinned back at me.

"Happy birthday" he grinned and kissed me one more time. He squeezed my bum before letting me down so he could splash me. We all got into a splash fight before Dave passed us some snorkels. We snorkelled for a while, Josh got very excited over the colourful fish.

When we got back to the shore Tyler and Jenna separated from us since I had plans for Josh and I. Josh was confused when they said they're goodbyes but he softened a bit when I took his hand to lead him to where we were going. I hadn't planned anything extravagant, I just wanted to spend some time with him on his birthday for the evening.

"We are at our hotel room" he laughed as we reached the garden part of our room. The sun was just setting so I sat him down and sat on his lap so we could watch the sun set together, as cheesy as it was. We were on one of those swinging chairs you can get.

"One of the things I love about you is that you are a simple man Joshua. You aren't impressed by huge gestures, you like small things" I told him as I rest my head against his. He didn't say anything, he just let me say my little speech about how much I adored him. "I'm so lucky to have you and to have found you" I watched the sun set and waited for him to say something.

"I love you so much" his voice was soft as he spoke, he held my hand so tightly it almost hurt. "And now I'm twenty nine" he let out a deep breath.

"Gosh I can't believe I met you when almost three years ago"

"I wish I had met you earlier, we would probably be married with kids now" he chuckled. I stayed silent so he squeezed me to provoke me.

"Actually, we could've met like five or six years ago if I wasn't so stupid" I shrugged, he pushed me carefully off him so I sat next to him in the swinging chair.

"What do you mean?" He looked intrigued.

"At one of Brendon's New Years parties, I remember seeing you across the room because my mom pointed out your arms" I giggled, his eyes widened and he looked out onto the sea. "I remember being intrigued by you but I was with Jacob at the time and you were probably with Debby. I did ask Brendon who you were though" I explained.

"Wow, imagine" he laughed.

"We were probably both completely different people back then, I know I was" i added.

"I wonder if I would've fell for you as quickly as I did two years ago" he ran his hand up my leg as I laid down on the swing.

"I want to stay here forever" I closed my eyes, taking in the moment. He crawled on top of me and kissed my nose.

"I reckon we should spend the night on this swing" he smirked, i fantasised hugely about what was to come and nodded vigorously. "Thanks for the best birthday ever" he kissed me quickly.

"Time to finish it properly" I flirted, he nodded and kissed me hard.

Expressing Thoughts-J.DWhere stories live. Discover now