... This attraction... What is it?

"Well, I must be going. Thanks for the meal." (y/n) said, before turning to leave.

"Allow me to walk you home. I can tell that you are new around here. Don't want you getting lost or anything." I said with a smile.

(y/n) nodded.

"Alright, let's go." (y/n) said, before exiting the shop.

I quickly followed.

...What is this feeling!?

-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

After exiting the malasada shop, I pulled out my phone, to try to find my grandparent's address.

... Come on...

... Found it!

"Do you know the way to Route One?" I questioned.

"Sure. Just follow me." Hau exclaimed, before walking forwards.

I followed.

"So, you a high school student?" Hau inquired, as we kept on walking.

"Yep. A junior." I explained.

"Cool! Me too!" Hau said.

"Oh cool... Wait, wait!? You're the same age as me!? But..." My voice cut off in shock.

"I look and act younger than that? Yeah, I get that a lot." Hau said.

"I'm sorry! I-"

Hau cut me off with a smile.

"It's fine. Let's just keep on going." Hau said.

I nodded, before following Hau once more.

"So... If we're both in high school, does this mean that we'll be going to the same school?" I inquired.

"Yep! There's only one high school on this island because of how small the island is." Hau explained.

"I see." I said.

"Are those your grandparents?" Hau asked, while pointing towards a house.

I looked closer, to indeed see that it was my grandparents.

"Yep. That's them! See you at school on Monday?" I inquired.

"Yep! See you then!" Hau said, before running off.

I then took a deep sigh, before walking up towards my grandparents.

"Hello!" I said, as I walked up to the front porch.

"Hello Sweetie!" My grandma said, before puling me in for a hug.

"... Can't... Breathe..." I coughed out.

"Oh, sorry about that. But I guess that's what you get for taking a detour from coming home." My grandma said.

I flinched.

... I had a feeling that this would happen...

"I'm so sorry! Can I offer these malasadas as a payment for taking so long?" I offered.

"... I guess so. Just please don't scare us like that." My grandpa said.

I nodded, before handing my grandma my malasadas.

... And there goes my free every-kind malasadas...

"Well, shall we go unpack your things? They came in shortly before you arrived." Grandma asked.

"Sure." I said, before following my grandparents inside.

For long hours we worked to make my room a paradise. My room was quite hug, with a king-sized bed, a TV, couch, walk-in closet, and a semi-large bathroom to the side.

... And it was all mine...

"Alright; now that we're all done with that, how about we eat some dinner?" Grandma suggested.

"Sure. What's on the menu?" I asked.

"Your brains!" Grandpa teasingly said.

I laughed at this, knowing that it was a joke.

"But seriously, what's for dinner?" I asked.

"Your grandma's famous fried chicken." Grandpa said.

"Ooh... Sounds delicious..." I said, before licking my lips.

"Then let's eat!" Grandma said, before leading me to the kitchen.

There, we ate our food, and talked.

"So, when will I be able to explore the island?" I questioned.

"Well, since today's Saturday, you'll have all of tomorrow to explore." Grandpa explained.

"Yay!" I shouted in excitement.

My grandparents laughed at my excitement.

After finishing my food, I excused myself to go to my room, where I looked out the window out towards the starry night sky.

What a beautiful view... I hope I can stay here forever...

If only I knew that I should've run while I had the chance. For that day was the day that I sealed my fate...

Hello, and welcome to one of my newest stories, of which I'm very excited for! Now, keep in mind that I'm still writing this story, but that I'm over 30 chapters into it, so I should have enough chapters to keep you guys busy for a while. I'll let you know when I get a proper updating schedule in place, so I can inform you of how the updating process will work. As for now though... What do you think of Chapter One? Any good? Does it reel you in? Please let me know? Helpful advice is very important to writers, so make sure to let me know if I need to change anything. Well... That's all for now, so see you later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

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