Hospital (Seventy)

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Teddy PoV

Georgie was asleep a couple of hours after I had arrived, but I didn't want to leave him alone in that hospital room until the hospital people had cleared him to go home, because I was a proper fucking worrywart, well I still am a proper fucking worrywart but that's not really important to the story, so anyway I just sat beside his bed, then a Doctor who seemed to be in his mid forties walked in, but honestly putting an age on people was not a strong suit of mine so, (I mean it still isn't a strong suit of mine), I sat up straight up so that I could know how much damage was actually done to Georgie, is that kind of weird?, maybe but I did it.

"How is he now Doc?"
"His vitals are fine, though there is a couple fractures on his left wrist from defending himself and his right leg is broken but there's no other broken bones, though I would like to keep him for a couple days just to see how those cuts and bruises heal"
"Ok, thank you Doctor"

So he left, and I was sitting in silence again, terrifying myself by thinking about poor Georgie just laying there, on the them dirty fucking London streets, scared for his fucking life, I was thinking about how if somebody hadn't spotted him and called 999, how much more damage would have been done or how much worse of a condition could he have been in, and even though I knew that I couldn't have done anything to stop the attack, I was still blaming myself for being annoyed at Georgie for not coming home when it wasn't even his fault, then Jack and the kids came in, which made me erase that image and those words from my head immediately.

"Daddy, what happened to Uncle Georgie?"
"Somebody beat him up Ro"
"But why would someone beat up Uncle Georgie?"
"It's complicated Baby"
"Uncle Teddy, when can Georgie come home?"
"The Doctor said he can come home in a couple of days Soph"
"Is Uncle Georgie going to be ok?"
"Yeah Mikey, Uncle Georgie is going to be ok?"

If someone told me 2 years before then that there would have been 3 extra people worrying about Georgie like family would, I would've told them that they were actually fucking insane, or fucking high as shit, but I guess you can never really say what's going to happen.

Georgie then woke up, his greeny blue eyes scanning the room, obviously trying to remember how he got in here, which was because a bunch of arseholes were being bigoted towards my little brother, the painkillers made him drowsy and unaware of his surroundings.

Though he still seemed to recognise everyone that was there, so we knew that he didn't have amnesia or anything like that.

"Does anyone know when can I go home?"
"I just spoke with the Doctor and he said that you could go home in a couple of days Georgie"

We all kind of sat in silence for a bit after that, since we didn't really know how to fill the silence without bringing up what happened not even 12 hours before, though Georgie did seem like he was in less pain, so I was thankful for small mercies here.

A couple of hours later, and Jack took the kids home, I stayed at the hospital, because like I have said before, I didn't feel comfortable about leaving Georgie on his own at the hospital.

"Teddy, are you over thinking about what happened?"
"What do you mean by 'why?', Georgie you were seriously hurt last night-"
"Like you haven't gotten hurt before-"
"That's not what I'm saying nor the point here Georgie-"
"Why?, because you've never been beaten up for being gay because you're kinda straight pas-"
"Actually I have been Georgie-"
"Wait?! what?! when?!"

I took a deep breath in, to try and calm myself down from being so anxious, (though it totally did not work for me that day).

"I was 11 years old-"
"But you weren't even in Secondary school yet"
"I know Georgie, I was walking home from school, it was a couple of days before my last day of primary school, and I got ambushed by a couple of year 11 boys-"
"How did they even know you?"
"Well one of my classmates confessed to their older brother that he liked me-"
"Did you like him back?"
"I did at the time"
"Does anyone else know this happened?"
"(Snorts), no"
"Not even Jack?"
"No not even Jack"
"How do you bring it up in conversation Georgie?"
"Uh, you could ask if he-, no that could sound threatening"
"Thanks for thinking about me Kiddo"
"You're welcome Daddyo"

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