TwT why... me TwT

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One month was over in a blink of an eye, everyone was already for the tournament to start. For the first fight of the tournament it was Naruko vs Neji  and of course Naruko won then it was Gaara vs Sasuke and Sasuke won (it was Sasuke right? right?) then kankuro vs shino and shino won then temari vs shikamaru and temari won by shikamaru forfeiting the match but was the participant to be promoted to chūnin by default. in the second around was Shino vs. Temari and Naruto vs ??? before they started fighting the second around was interrupted and cancelled(or was it the finals ughhh)

Naruko POV

I heard screams, crying, and the chūnin telling people to get away from here then I saw anbu fighting the 3 snakes. I jumped up and ran towards the 3 snakes as I got closer I saw more chūnin and anbu fighting something other then helping the others with the 3 snakes. I heard laughing, I felt like I heard this laugh before, sending chills on my back, I took out a Double-Bladed Kunai from my pocket, running more then I stopped and saw Orochimaru I-I couldn't move I felt scared, helpless *why WHY IS OROCHHIMARU HERE..why* I wanted to run away but I couldn't, then I heard someone calling out my name. I came out of deep thought and saw that Orochimaru was holding me by the throat smiling, I turned my head around a little bit as I can and saw Sasuke, Sakura and Kakashi ready to fight him, Kakashi yelled "LET NARUKO GO!" and all three of them ran at Orochimaru then he started to laugh crazy and said " do you really know who and what she is?!"all three of them kept on running Kakashi yelled " WHO CARES SHES MY STUDENT AND ITS MY JOB TO KNOW THAT THERE SAFE!" and when Kakashi was about to hit him then Orochimaru hit Kakashi with his foot and send Kakashi flying and then falling to the floor hard, same as Sasuke and Sakura Orochimaru said " Ill show you what Naruko really is!" I started to pull out of Orochimaru hold on me but I was to late Orochimaru took off my mask and ripped off my bandages off my arms showing the seals and the Sharingan showing on my left eye and Rinnegan on my right and the Byakugan mixed in with both making the color lighter then it normally would be, showing how much the monster I really am. Orochimaru lets go of my throat and dropping me on the floor making me go in deep thought before hearing the 3rd Hokage yelling as my eyes go dark.

Kakashi POV

*how does Naruko have the byakugan, sharingan, rinnegan in her and what are those seals on her arm* I saw as Orochimaru drop Naruko as soon the Hokage showed up hitting Orochimaru with his foot sending him flying as the Hokage went and followed but before he did he yelled at me saying to take and hide Naruko with me as well Sasuke and Sakura and I did as I was told to do. I took them out in the forest, sitting Naruko by a tree trying to take her out of deep thought only hearing monster coming from her mouth the I heard Sakura say " I didn't know Naruko was a 'monster' " I closed my eyes and turned around while opening them seeing Naruko right next to Sakura then a slap was heard Naruko said " I am NOT a monster" and ran off fast. I got up and ran after Naruko telling Sasuke and Sakura to run after her too.

Sasuke POV

*how....HOW DID NARUKO HAVE THE SHARINGAN... I don't get it* after running I saw a house in the forest and blond hair by the window. I controlled my chakra and hiding it, I started to walk to the door of the house and knocked then heard noise like someone moving away. I gave up and kicked open the door with all my power and send it flying a cross the room, what seems like the living room. I closed my eyes and concentrated on seeing her chakra *hn... she hid it well* I looked around the room "Naruko I know you're here, I saw you threw the window" I heard Naruko's voice around me yelling "get out! GET OUT!" I started to walk looking at every room "tch Naruko stop being a pain" I opened a closet and there was Naruko hugging her legs tight to her chest with her head on her knees I was about to touch her shoulder when in a blink of an eye my hand got slapped away and there's Naruko standing yelling "D-DONT TOUCH ME" only a small push from her make me go flying cross the room but I was flying into glass. I felt a warm liquid dripping down my face, I touched it and looked at it with my hand it was blood a lot of blood before I blacked out I heard 'I'm sorry I'm sorry'.

Naruko POV

I heard glass shattered, I looked and saw Sasuke laying there with blood on his face. I ran up to him and sat next to him "I'm sorry I'm sorry" I ripped part of my shirt and put the cloth where he was bleeding bad "Itachi, Itachi I-I don't know what to do" but I remember there were hot tears coming down on my cheeks. I got up and went to the bathroom getting the aid-kit, I walked to Sasuke body and sat next to it. I opened the aid-kit and started to treat his wounds I made him, when I was done I put Sasuke's arm around my shoulder and walking to Itachi's old room I layed down Sasuke on Itachi's bed. I put my head down on Itachi's bed, falling asleep making everything go black.


HIIII GUYS IM BACK I DID IT I MADE A STROY YUSSSS I now feel happy that I finally made one. I hope chu guys like this one it might not be good but hey I TIRED fdtwvgbhjk well thank you for waiting ~bows~

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