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Writers block- sorry. School wraps up in about two weeks, yay.

Fire Starter: Demi Lovato

"sometimes people do feel that way- that life is caving in on them."


Alex's POV-

"You what?" Andrea practically shouted back at me from the receiver of my phone.

"No way! I can't believe it!" Rebecca took the phone exclaim her shock back at me with a loud voice.

"We kissed.." I repeated shyly blushing remembering the event that I was telling them about.

"Oh my god! I totally knew it!" Rebecca shrieked into the phone along with loud thuds that meant that she was jumping up and down.

"Knew what? I called it!" You could hear Andrea playfully slap Rebecca as she expressed her anger.

"Called what?" I scoffed.

"ALEX LOVES JC!" Andrea shouted out her window as no one walked around luckily.

"I never said that. All I said was that we were outside and he kissed me- and I liked it, and him." My cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red while I repositioned myself on my bed.

Jc and I had kissed, and I just admitted that I like him. I said it. What am I doing? I've known him for like a month. God, what am I doing.

Thank god Kian and Jack went out with Jc or this whole phone call would be a really awkward one to make with them hearing the girls's excited cheers.

"My little girl is growing up. I'm so proud. You wore the dress right?" Rebecca asked, her voice dripping with the desire to know.

"Did the guys not send you pictures? I thought for sure that they would, sorry about the purse though.." I cleaned up my suitcase packing away all my clothes, sneakers, toiletries, and everything else.

"Whatever, you're coming back to California tomorrow right?" Andrea exclaimed excitedly.

"You know it. The next stop for the tour is California, then Texas, Florida, and after that is Europe. I'm pretty excited." I played with my black bracelet.

"We're coming with you for Europe once the time comes!" Rebecca screamed shouting loudly.

"Yeah, when you get back we're totally going on a double date with Kian and Jc. Aw, it'll be so cute!" Andrea giggled.

We continued sharing our excitement with each other yelling back and forth about all the amazing things that we were going to do together.

Eventually I hung up laying back down on my bed bored playing on multiple apps to busy myself as I waited for the guys to return back from their trip.

Jc's POV-

Jack, Kian and I were all chilling and having fun at the awesome Italian place when the conversation took a turn.

"So, you and Alex, huh?" Jack asked looking up from his meatball grinder wiping off the crumbs that surrounded his mouth with a napkin.

Kian's eyes looked at me intensely desperately wanting to know as well.

"What about us?" I played dumb hoping that they wouldn't think that their plan wouldn't work.

"I saw you both kissing out front, anything else you want to 'fess up about?" Kian rose an eyebrow.

I looked down as the shade of my cheeks darkened slightly. "Okay, so we kissed. No big deal."

"Jc, cut the crap. We all know you like her. Just ask her out already." Jack rolled his eyes crumpling up his trash and tossing it in the trash can.

"I want to, I just can't.." Did I just say that? I want to ask out Alex? I thought I stopped myself from falling for her..

"Why not? Six simple words- will you go out with me? That's all." Kian stated throwing out his trash as well.

"I'll pass Kian, it's a quality offer though. I won't tell Andrea." I smirk hoping that my joke will change the topic.

Unfortunately, I'm unsuccessful. "Do it when we're in Texas. Bring her to your mom's house and introduce her to the family. She'd love it."

"Yeah, you're mom is super nice. Plus Jaylyn and Joe Felix would love her." Jack added nodding at me.

"I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it." I announced, not just to Jack and Kian but to myself to. I really like Alex, this needs to work.

Set Up ( O2L/ Jc Caylen )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin