
880 38 4

Wonderwall: Oasis

"Your problems will still be there even when you sober up."


Jarrad's POV-

The boys had just driven off, leaving me with Alex, which I was very happy about since I want to get to know her.

"So, what happened? The guys said that you don't usually act like that." I placed my hand on the upper portion of her back and looked over at her.

Her voice wavered as she spoke, "I've just been nauseous with all the traveling, you know, with jet lag and all that.."

I nodded. "Feeling better now?" Her eyes widened as I fixed a hand on her cheek, facing her toward me.

"Um, a little." I could see her swallow hard as I began to smirk.

"I think I know a trick or two to help you out." I raised my eyebrows suggestively before leaning in and planting a kiss firmly on her lips.

She backed up quickly wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "I'm sorry Jarrad, I just don't know you all that well and I don't want to move-"

"Too fast, I got it." I finished, trying to cover up my obvious disappointment. Alex was pretty sweet about it, though.

Her eyes averted mine, looking the other way, running a small hand covered in black nail polish through her brown hair as her face softened.

"Should I take you home now?" I treaded lightly with my words, hoping to not annoy her any more than already.

There was no response, no words, other than a simple nod.

I placed a hand on her lower back, leading her to my car and opening the door for her. She began to rub her eyes which caused me to move quicker.

The whole drive back to Andrea and Rebecca's apartment was silent except for the silent hum of the radio.

Once we arrived, I hurried to the other side of the car to help her out only to find that she was practically asleep in the seat. Being the gentleman that I am, I proceeded to hush her as she slowly awoke while I picked her up out of the seat bridal style.

"Jarrad," she whispered, her voice soft, "I can walk myself in.." Her eyelids seemed to get harder for her to keep open as she protested.

"Shh, Alex it'll be fine." I calmed her down before ringing the doorbell. I hoped that Jc would answer, knowing that he would see me carrying her.

Kian had called me up to see if I would be around in order to help him out with something. I let him know that whatever he needed me for, I was in. He spoke to me of his plan to set up Jc and Alex and needed me to make him jealous. Hopefully, this plan works.

The door opened, revealing a tired Jc who didn't look too happy. I could see Sam and Kian knocked out on the couch since the door opened up to the living room.

"I have Alex." I smiled, knowing that Jc would be envious, I mean, Alex is really sweet, cute, and kind.

"I see," he said, rolling his eyes begrudgingly. "Why are you carrying her like that?"

I glanced down at Alex to see that her eyes were fully closed but I was unsure if she was still awake. "If you can't tell she's asleep, Justin."

"I'm sorry, Jarrad, is it? She doesn't like it when people do things for her. Put her down." His eyes narrowed.

Jc's face grew red as I pushed through to lay Alex down on the couch next to Sam who wrapped his arms around her as if she were a teddy bear.

"Happy now, lover boy." My face developed a smirk. Sure I was falling for Alex a little, but I'm here to help out Kian and Sam.

Set Up ( O2L/ Jc Caylen )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu