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It's a new chapter, yay. There's some POV changes only cause I wanted to switch it up a little. Comment if you like it or even if you didn't cause feedback rocks. I'm trying to ensure that this isn't a cliché story like all the other fanfics. No offense...

She Looks So Perfect: 5SOS

"Only you can shape your future"


Jack's POV-

Jc and Alex were still outside chatting when I came out. "Alex! Glad you finally made it here." I joked know that I had left her at the airport.

She came over and punched me in the arm. "Well you ditched me. Plus, you suck at giving directions."

"Hey!" I defended. "I tried."

Jc looked slightly uneasy, but it was probably cause he liked Alex.

He shrugged, "Well I got to get back to the video. I don't even know what I'm doing so I have to figure it out."

"What's the theme this week again?" I asked curiously.

Alex's emerald eyes lit up but she looked away from me before I could call her out on it. "Want me to help?"

I walked back inside knowing that they'd have it all figured out.

Jc's POV-

"Want me to help?" Alex questions with thoughtful eyes.

I pretend to think for a little stroking my chin with two fingers until finally answering, "Hmm, why not, we are going to live together. Might as well learn a little about each other. Have Connor or Ricky help you get a chair after you say hi and stuff."

She looked slightly offended but walked inside, dropping off her bags in the living room since we need to discuss the sleeping situations. After about 10 minutes, she walked out with a chair similar to mine and placed it down next to me.

I explained the intro to Alex and then told her how the video would go down.

I covered the camera with my hands after I turned it on and began filming. "What's up O2L? Jc here!"

"Alex here!" Alex giggled while smiling.

I blushed slightly but maintain the color in my face quickly. "And she's my wonderful guest today. This week's theme is questions so I'm going to ask Alex some questions. You ready?"

"Ready as ever!" She cheered bringing up her legs on the chair.

I began to read off the question from my phone, "What is your biggest pet peeve?"

It took her a little while to respond, "I have a lot but I really hate it when girls wear too much make-up."

"You don't wear make-up?" I asked shocked. Wow, she truly is gorgeous.

Her expression hardened, "No I do not," she told me with her voice cutting through the void of silence in a harsh tone.

I apologized, "I didn't mean it like that, you know what I mean-"

"Yeah, I got it." She cut me off ruthlessly.

I went on to the next question, speaking softly in an attempt to not tick her off again. "Favorite type of sandwich?"

"Definitely barbecue chicken. Mhm, literally it's so good." She laughs as she speaks. Her and Jack could be twins with how alike they are.

I chuckled lightly before beginning the next question, "What is your favorite color?"

She paused debating on what color she could answer. "Black," she began, "but I'm not like obsessed with it or anything. Oh, and green."

Her smile was contagious so when she smiled, I couldn't help but to smile back. "Lastly, if you had to date someone in O2L, who would it be?"

Alex looked hesitant to answer but finally started, "Who's O2L?"

We burst out laughing know that she was clueless as to what O2L is. I know that she knows that I'm in it but no one else. Maybe I should've waited on that one but I had to know.

"Never mind then, that's all for today guys! Hope you enjoyed, see you next week or on my main channel. Peace!" I finished before shutting off the camera.

Alex leaned forward and hit me on my shoulder, quite hard actually. I bet she works out often cause it kind of hurt.

"What was that for?" I shouted as she rolled her eyes, placing her feet up against the side of my chair.

"For that last question. You should've known that I wouldn't answer it." She picked up her chair stopping before opening the door, "And for acting like I couldn't bring a chair out here. You don't know me Jc, don't try and act like it."

Man, this isn't going to be easy is it?

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