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I haven't updated in like a week or so, but I've been really busy. I have a lot going on right now but I think I'm just switching to only updating on Thursday's. I feel like this is so short..

Anna Sun: Joey Graceffa

"you write so beautifully- your mind must be a terrible place."


Jc's POV-

Jenn had just attacked Alex with a pan, giving her a black eye and a cut along the underside of her cheek.

After that, I forced Jenn out the door as she was screaming about she didn't mean to and that she still loves me but I wasn't dealing with it.

I felt terrible for bringing Alex into the whole ex situation. At the moment, she was resting on the couch, aimlessly staring at the tv motionless. Her eyes looked tired and sunken.

"Hey Alex, you already pack for the tour?" I let myself fall in place on the couch next to her. Our first stop on the tour was Hawaii.

She nodded, not looking over at me, continuing to stare at the television with a blank expression.

"You and I are in the back of Ricky's van with Sam in the passenger seat and Kian and Jack in the middle. Connor and Trevor are going to drive us another car filled with the bags." I explained, trying not to bore her too much.

"Great." Alex stated flatly. Something was up with her and it was quite annoying that she wouldn't talk to me. Was she talking to everyone else?

I decided to let her be seeing as she clearly didn't want me talking to her so I ran to the room that I shared with Jack and Ricky.


Alex was seated to my left with her legs sprawled across the empty space in front of her since we're in a van. Kian and Jack were talking nonstop as Ricky was singing along with Sam, making the car quite noisy.

"Hey." I nudged Alex on the shoulder, trying to provoke a response from her seeing as she hasn't said a word to me since yesterday.

Her eyes lifted from her phone screen for a moment to look at me before she plugged in a pair of black headphones into her ears in an attempt to ignore me. Hopefully, this wouldn't last long.

We proceeded to drive to the airport busying ourselves by reading, texting, sleeping, playing games, and more except for Ricky who kept an firm eye on the road.

Eventually we reached the airport, meeting Connor and Trevor who handed us all our bags.

I tried to get back on Alex's good side by taking her bag for her but all I received was a nasty glare as she tugged her suitcase back from my grasp. Okay, so she was really mad.

"I can do it on my own, Justin." Her teeth were gritted as she said it under her breath.

"I'm sorry, I was just trying to help you out." I apologized, trying to fix the situation before Alex cut me off.

"I think you and your stupid girlfriend have done enough." She rolled her eyes then picked up the pace to catch up with Sam, starting up a conversation.

I guess I really screwed up this time even though it wasn't totally my fault, I just wanted my best friend back.

I could hear some parts of her and Sam's conversation about Alex trying to trade with him to be in the other room, most likely not wanting to see me.

After the 10 minute walk through the airport as well as security, we made it to Gate 13 where we would board the plane to Hawaii.

We waited around for a little while grabbing some food and drinks every once and a while until we boarded the plane. It was the day after Christmas so nobody was really on the flight other than us.

Set Up ( O2L/ Jc Caylen )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt