Victory Of The Daleks Pt. 1

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The TARDIS materialises in a filing room. A buzzer sounds in Churchill's office, and he smiles. The Doctor opens the TARDIS doors to stare down the barrels of three Lee Enfield rifles, made in Britain, which move aside to reveal the PM, {Y/N} sticks her head out from behind the Doctor, he pulls her out.

"Amy? Winston Churchill" the Doctor says.

"Doctor, {Y/N}. Is it you?" Churchill asks.

"Oh, Winston, our old friend," the Doctor says, going to shake Churchill's hand but Churchill holds out his hand and beckons "ah, every time."

"What's he after?" Amy asks looking up at {Y/N}.

"TARDIS key, of course," {Y/N} replies.

"Think of what I could achieve with your remarkable machine. The lives that could be saved."

"Ah, doesn't work like that" {Y/N} says.

"Must I take it by force?"

"We'd like to see you try."

"At ease."

"You rang?" the Doctor asks

"So, you've changed your faces again."

"Yeah, well, had a bit of work done," the Doctor says, {Y/N} nodding in agreement.

"Got it, got it, got it. Cabinet War Rooms, right?" Amy asks.

"Yep. Top secret heart of the War Office, right under London" {Y/N} says.

"You're late, by the way" he hands the Doctor his cane.

"Requisitions, sir."



"I rang you a month ago."

"Really? Sorry, sorry. It's a Type Forty TARDIS, it's. We're just running her in."

"Something the matter, Breen? You look a little down in the dumps."

"No, sir. Fine, sir."

"Action this day, Breen. Action this day."

"Yes, sir."

"Excuse me, sir. Got another formation coming in, Prime Minister. Stukas, by the look of them."

"We shall go up top then, Group Captain. We'll give them what for. Coming, Doctor? {Y/N}?"


"I have something to show you two" they all walk to the lift, "we stand at a crossroads, Doctor and {Y/N}, quite alone, with our backs to the wall. Invasion is expected daily. So, I will grasp with both hands anything that will give us an advantage over the Nazi menace."

"Such as?" {Y/N} asks.

"Follow me" a short time later they arrive at the roof where they see sandbags and sentries, and a white-coated scientist searching the skies with powerful binoculars.

"Wow," Amy says.

"{Y/N}, Doctor, this is Professor Edwin Bracewell. Head of our Ironsides Project" the Doctor gives him a V for a Victory salute.

"How do you do?"

"Two flights JU thirty eights approaching from the east" a bomb lands nearby. Amy gazes at all the barrage balloons moored over the city.

"Oh, Doctor. {Y/N}, it's..." she trails off.

"History," the Doctor says.

"Ready, Bracewell?"

"Aye aye, sir. On my order, fire!" energy bolts zoom out from a sandbagged emplacement towards the approaching Nazi planes.

"What was that?" Amy asks.

"That wasn't human. That was never human technology. That sounded like. Show us. Show us. Show us what that was!" the Doctor says running up the small ladder followed by {Y/N}.


"Our new secret weapon. Ha!" a Dalek rolls out from the emplacement. Its designation logo is a Union Flag and it is painted khaki, with an army utility belt around it "what do you think? Quite something, eh?"

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