The Last Dance

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"No," I said firmly.

"I will kidnap you if I have to," he told me seriously. I gulped and looked at Cale.

"Cale, please just go. All of you," I said looking at Cale, Fiona, Kelly, and Logan, "just go."

This was the night. The night people were promised they would never forget. Some were saying it was going to be bigger and better than prom. Of course I'm talking about the dance. The very dance my fellow friends had been anticipating for weeks.

Yes, the night of the dance had come at last. Cale and Logan looked breath taking in their tuxes while Fiona and Kelly looked beautiful in their dresses, and I looked horrible in my sweats.

I was lying on my bed with them surrounding me. They were adamant on taking me to the dance even though I had told them a million times that I didn't want to go.

I never did find another dress I liked as much as the blue one. That wasn't why I wasn't going to the dance though.

I had already made up my mind to not go hours before. First of all, I didn't have a beautiful dress. Secondly, I was a little torn up that Logan already liked someone else, but I was choosing not to focus on why I didn't like him liking someone else. All I was focusing on was that it made me feel bad inside. The most important reason though was the whole Tori planning something for me if I showed up at the dance. I had no doubt whatever she was planning would involve public humiliation.

The problem was my friends refused to leave unless I came with them. I wish I had two big muscled bodyguards who could throw my lovely friends out of my room and onto the dance floor.

"You're gonna let Tori win? After everything you've been through," Fiona said disappointed.

"Yep," I said.

"Come on, Angel. You promised," Kelly informed me.

"I did no such thing. I just said I would go. No promises involved."

Logan unlike everyone else was sitting down at the foot of my bed. He hadn't really said much but was just listening. I liked it that way. One less person to argue with.

"Angel, can I talk to you in private?" Logan asked breaking his silence. Kelly, Cale, and Fiona immediately looked at him suspiciously wondering what he was thinking.

"Sure," I said eager to get away from my pestering friends. We went to his room, and he closed the door behind him.

"Look, at the dance tonight, I was going to tell the girl I think I'm in love with how I feel. I want you to be there because you're like my best friend so please, come on," Logan begged making puppy dog eyes.

That statement made me lose any hope of Logan liking me. He just said I was his best friend. He had already been betrayed by his girlfriend, who was his best friend too once. There was no way he would go down that path again.

I wouldn't admit it to myself or anyone that I liked Logan. The only thing I had admitted it to was my diary. I had started falling in love with Logan since he took me to the carnival. When I came home that day, I let out all my feelings in my diary confessing how amazing he was and how I was falling in love.

Love stinks though. He loved someone else. There was no way I could be there and watch him be with someone else.

I put both my hands on his face to get his full attention.

"Logan, as your best friend, I command you to go tell this girl you love her without me. I'll be fine here, I promise. My mom has this movie night planned and everything. Honestly, I just want you and everyone else to have lots of fun," I said. He was staring intently into my eyes not showing any emotion. Finally, he grabbed both of my hands and slowly got them off his face, but he held on.

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