Ch 16 The Basketball Game & Lies

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"I can do this," I told my reflection in the bathroom mirror.

I was supposed to be in the gym where the basketball game was about to start in minutes.

Instead I was here feeling overwhelmed by the crowd I would face. Sure none of the crowd was here to watch me. They were either here to watch Crestmont High or my school.

Still I never was good with crowds and loud places. I knew there would be cheering and yelling tonight. People could get really competitive.

What made this whole experiance worse was that I had no one to sit with. I had asked Joni to sit with me, but she said she was going to be with Bradley and didn't want me to feel like a third wheel. I wasn't sure if that was her nice way of telling me I couldn't sit with her or if she really didn't want to make me feel like a third wheel.

I wasn't even sure if Logan was going to be at the game. Even if he was then he would probably be sitting with some pretty girl.

The only other person I could think to sit with was the one who invited me. The one who had to play basketball. Of course there was no way he could sit with me.

I was left by myself. Like the lonely loner I have always been.

I decided I should probably go to the gym now. After all I had to make sure Cale saw I was there. When the game would start, he wouldn't have any chance to look for me. With a sigh and one last look in the mirror, I left the bathroom.

The hallways were completely empty of course except for this one couple who were making out near the water fountain.

I was never drinking water from that fountain again.

I opened up the door and went inside. The noise level was quite high. People were cheering mainly the cheerleaders. That was their job after all.

I looked at the massive crowd of people on the bleachers and felt my stomach drop. I really wished I knew where to sit.

I started walking when someone called my name.

I searched for the caller and my eyes landed on Ivonne, the cheerleader from the carnival. She wasn't cheering tonight though. It could have something to do with her leg being in that cast.

She was sitting down on the bleachers where only supporters of Crestmont High were supposed to sit.

I debated whether or not to go there. Finally I decided it couldn't do much harm and walked over.

She patted the empty spot beside her, and I gladly took the seat.

"Hey! How's it going?" she asked excitedly. It's good to know her injury didn't affect her pep.

"I'm great," I lied. I wasn't actually that great being surrounded by a bunch of strangers and having my best friend not want to sit with me.

"How are things with you and Logan?" she asked raising an eyebrow.

"Uhh... Fine?" I said wondering why she would ask that.

"Oh, no progress then," she murmured.

"What?" I asked.


"What happened?" I questioned pointing towards her broken leg.

She started laughing, and I wondered why on earth she was laughing at her broken leg. I mean if I had one then I would most likely cry from the pain.

"It's a funny story actually. I fell down the stairs," she admitted.

I recollected all the times I've fallen up the stairs, down the stairs, in the shower and in the hallways. Despite the countless times I've fallen, I have never broken a bone. Yet Ivonne broke her leg falling. I guess I was pretty lucky.

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