Ch 20 Dress shopping and disappointments

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"Hey, where are you going?" Logan questioned. I paused to look at him dressed casually in a t-shirt and jeans. He was leaning against the kitchen counter eating a bagel.

"Shopping," I said cringing. Although I had better ways to spend my Saturday like watching tv and eating junk food, I had to go shopping because of my two girl friends.

"Why?" he asked. He did know me, so he knew I wasn't one to jump at the opportunity to shop. I had forgotten to tell Cale and him that I was going to the dance after all.

"Well Fiona and Kelly want me to have a dress for the dance," I explained putting on my slightly oversized, dark blue jacket. I put my hand in the right pocket and smiled when I felt my keys were indeed there.

"So you are going?" Logan asked smiling.

"No, Logan. I'm dress shopping for a dance that I'm not going to," I said sarcastically.

"Ouch. Your sarcasm hurts," he said putting a hand on his chest. I laughed throwing my head back slightly.

"Sorry. Bye now," I said. I didn't want to be late or Fiona would have my head.

"Wait," he called. I stopped again.

"Can I come?" he asked in a serious tone. I raised an eyebrow and then realized he actually was not kidding.

"Of course you can't," I smiled and ran out the door. He was right behind me chasing me, but I made it to my car. As I fumbled with the keys trying to open the car door, he appeared at the front door of my house. I nearly had a heart attack and dropped the keys.

Luckily it was in that moment I heard the soft click and the door opened. With my heart racing, I got into the seat and locked the door.

As I was pulling out of the driveway, I paused to stick my tongue out at him. He, in turn, stuck his tongue out and waggled it in a strange and amusing way. I couldn't help but laugh at him.


"This one?" Fiona asked swaying back and forth with the light green dress pressed to the front of her. She was holding it up for me to see.

"I'm no expert dress shopper but that thing is ugly," I said.

"I agree," she said nodding her head.

"Then why would you want me to get it?" I asked confused.

"Cause she's stupid," Kelly cut in. Fiona made a face and put the dress back on the rack.

So far only Kelly had found her dream dress as Fiona liked to call it. It was a purple strapless number with a black sash in the middle. It cut off mid thigh, and she looked amazing in it. It was like love at first sight only with a dress.

I was having several hate at first sight moments with dresses so far. There were some pretty ones but they were outnumbered by ridiculous dresses I wouldn't even dream of putting on. There were dresses so short, they would barely cover anything and dresses so long, I was sure if I wore them then I would spend my time tripping more than walking.

"How about this one?" Fiona asked taking off a pink dress from the rack. It was so puffy that people would be trying to find me if I wore it.

I quickly shook my head. The next fifteen minutes were spent with Fiona pulling off every dress on the racks and me shaking my head furiously at them.

It wasn't a very productive moment in my life. I just could not seem to find one that I liked enough to buy. Shopping was harder than I thought.

Oh wait. It's exactly how I thought it would be. And so my hate for shopping continues.

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