Ch 13 Being a good friend

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All good things must come to an end. How wise the person who said that because that was so true. The wonderful weekend did come to an end, and it was back to school on Monday.

For the first time, I felt like everyone else who has to go to school. I felt like not going and groaning because I knew that I had to.

Of course, I did. I was not a skipper.

Heck, I was not even a detentioner. I was pretty sure skipping was worse than detention, so I couldn't really do one when I haven't done the other.

I pulled up in the parking lot feeling half dead because last night, I had stayed up an extra three hours well past my bed time finishing the essay I lazily put off.

A girl really does need her sleep.

I was sure during the drive to school, Logan was a little afraid I would pass out while driving on the road. I did yawn a lot, but I managed to keep my eyes open. Just barely, but I had done it.

The weird thing was-other than being extremely sleepy-that Joni was not here to greet me in the parking lot. I could really use her constant chatter as a means to keep my eyes open.

Infact lately I hadn't been talking to her much at all. Sure, we had PE together now but during that I was always on the run from Cale or running because the teacher made me. Either way I didn't have time to talk because I needed to catch my breath and try to make it out alive.

With determination to go find my best friend, I slid out of the seat and closed the door behind me.

"Are you ok?" Logan asked. For a second I forgot he was still here.

"Yeah. Fine," I yawned.

"Are you sure?" he interrogated.

"Uh huh. I just didn't get as much sleep as I should have," I told him and started walking. I expected him to go the other way, not fall in step with me but that was what he did.

"And why is that?"

What was this? Twenty questions?

"Because I stayed up working on my essay."

"Why didn't you finish it earlier?"

I was tired and cranky. I really wanted Logan to quit disturbing my peace of mind with his questions.

"Because of you."

"What did I do?"

That was it.

He just would not stop talking. I walked in silence for the next minute while Logan kept asking the same question over and over again.

Finally I reached my destination. I made a turn right and went inside.

Alone at last. Or so I thought.

"So what did I do?" Logan questioned startling me.

I let out a high pitched scream and suddenly was wide awake.

"Logan! What are you doing in here?!"

"Asking you what I did," he replied as if he was the most innocent person on the earth.

I looked around for any sign of people and saw none.

"You need to leave. This is the girls bathroom!"

"Oh. It is?" he asked taking a look around, "so this is what it looks like. I knew you guys didn't have a snack machine in here."

"A snack ma-? What?... Logan, get out!" I resorted to pushing him.

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