Complications Ch 8 Sugar Coated Evil

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I did nothing. I sat there with the guilt and did nothing. I couldn't even look up anymore to look at Ms. Mayer's sad face.

I knew what I was going to do though. I had finally figured it out. I would just have to wait until this class ended.

As if the school system heard my thoughts, the bell rang. I slowly got up and left. I walked down the hall of shame to the principals office.

I was only familiar with his office because of the times I had collected an award or achievement. Never had I ever been there because I caused trouble.

Until now.

I took small steps inside the office. My heart was pounding frantically. I was having that feeling of remorse and fear that you had when you knew you were about to get in trouble.

There was no turning back now.

The secretary looked pretty busy on her computer. I ignored her and went further ahead where there were chairs for those waiting to be called on by the principal. In other words, those waiting for their doom.

Sitting on one of the chairs was Tori. I didn't know head cheerleaders ever got in trouble. Maybe she was here for something else.

If she was out here waiting then the principal must be busy. I took a seat as well but made sure I was two seats away from Tori. I would have sat further away but there are only four chairs.

I knew Tori didn't like me. Head cheerleaders and nerds like me weren't exactly best friends. That was why it was best to try and make myself as invisble as possible.

Luckily, she took no notice of me. Or at least that's what I thought. She turned to me with a thousand watt smile. I couldn't help but notice that her smile was completely fake. It was the type of smile that you forced when you wanted people to believe you were happy. Or one you forced when you were around someone you did not like.

"So what is miss goody two shoes in here for?" Tori asked. My heart was pounding so hard, I was a little afraid it would jump out of my chest.

"N-nothing," I lied in a barely there voice. Here I was talking to head cheerleader and the "Queen Bee" of the school. If I told her then everybody would know instantly about clumsy Angel who burned the Home Ec room.

"I see you've been hanging out with Cale a lot," she noted.

Then her voice changed from sugar coated to plain scary.

"Well back off cause he's mine! I will make your life miserable. Got it, nerd?"

I was shaking so bad that I couldn't even get the words out. I nodded, and she smiled a satisfactory smile like she'd just won a golden trophy.

"Next!" I heard the principals voice call. Tori stood up enthusiastically and gave me one last sugar coated death look. I breathed out a sigh of relief.

It seemed like an eternity sitting in that chair. Really, it was about five minutes. The door opened in turn making my heart stop.

Tori walked out happilu. It looked like whatever she wanted accomplished with the principle, she had gotten done.

I stood up and silently prayed I wouldn't fall on my face. I walked inside losing confidence after every step.

The principal was a woman in her late forties. Her appearance made her look like she was fifty. It wasn't because she wore old clothes but because she dressed in such a professional manner and had neatly cut, short hair.

She could be very intimidating too.

"Yes?" she said looking up at me. This was it. I had to do it now. I had to try to not to throw up all over her desk.

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