Ch 10 It was a dark and stormy night..

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Finally the glorious weekend was here. I was so relieved, I wanted to jump for joy.

This week had been rough from dealing with Tori to avoiding Cale and trying to stay alive in gym. There was a lot going on.

I could not remeber when my life hadn't been this hectic.

Tori, true to her word hadn't spoken to me since the bathroom incident. She sometimes smirked at me, but I was learning to ignore it. Or atleast I was trying to learn how to ignore it.

Cale was just becoming more difficult day by day. All week he had tried to talk to me. I think by now he had figured out that I was purposely avoiding him which only made him want to talk to me more.

That made him really hard to avoid him. For every day this week, I had skipped lunch and gone to the library. Usually I just brought a little bar with me, so I wouldn't starve.

Then during gym, I made sure to stay on the opposite end. Sometimes when I saw him coming towards me, I speed walked into the girls locker room. It really helped that Tori tried to talk to him every chance she got because then he got distracted and forgot about talking to me.

Joni definitely noticed something was wrong. She didn't say anything to me, but I could tell she knew I was ignoring Cale for some reason. I'm glad she wasn't asking me because I didn't want to snap at her again.

I put down my laptop. This research paper for English was killing me slowly. Even smart people don't know a thing sometimes and right now I had no clue how to start or finish this paper.

I looked at my clock which read 8:01. Mom and Dad would be back in three more hours. They were having one of their weekly date nights tonight. Dad took her out of town to some fancy club.

I was not too sure about the details because although I loved my parents, I prefered it when they kept their romantic escapades to themselves.

For now it was just my laptop and me.

I wasn't sure if Logan had left or not because I didn't hear anything. The house was eerily quiet.

"Knock knock," Logan said. My door was open revealing him standing in the doorway with a huge smile. The kind of smile you get when you win the lottery.

"Come in," I told him. I looked back at my laptop. Why couldn't this paper just write itself? Was it that hard?

Yes, yes it was.

Logan jumped on my bed. I grabbed my laptop and set it on my much safer bedside table.

"Whatcha doin?" he asked.

"A research paper."

"Well I'm bored. Come do something with me," he said. He looked at me with puppy dog eyes. Let's examine my choices. Go do something with someone fun or stay here in frustration and try to finish-more like start-this research paper.

I swung my legs over my bed and stood up. Logan grinned at me getting up himself and practically running out the door. We went down to the living room.

"So... What do you wanna do?" I asked. I looked around awkwardly. I had never hung out with Logan or any boy for that matter with the exception of that one day at park with Cale. This was not the park, and I didn't know what to do.

"I was thinking we could watch a movie."

"Ok anything but-"

"A scary movie."


Scary movies were awful. Even when they weren't scary at all, I thought about the movie so much that I scared myself silly. It really did not take much to scare me.

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