Ch 2 My first kiss went a little like this

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"Hurry up, honey! We don't want to be late!" My Mom called from the bottom of the stairs.

I fixed my ponytail that I had early carefully pulled to the top of my head and took a deep breath. Time to go meet the guy my Mother was so excited about.

I walked down the stairs to meet Mom. Actually, the correct statement would be that I fell down the stairs. I quickly pushed myself off the ground. That was the second time today.

You think I would have learned my lesson by now. Nope.

The sound of the front door closing made me jog faster. I went to the car where Mom and Dad were already seated and sat down breathlessly in the back.

As soon as I was inside, Dad started the car. I made myself comfortable against the leather seats. The airport was a little far, about an hour’s drive from our house. When we eventually made it there and pulled up to the airport, Dad told us to go on ahead and that he would park the car. Mom and I got out of the car and stepped out onto the concrete. We followed it until we made it safely inside the airport.

I looked around for someone that looked about my age. Seeing no one, I turned around and collided with something hard. I fell back but surprisingly I didn't hit the ground.

That was weird, I thought.

I opened my eyes which were closed due to the fact that I thought I was going to fall and maybe closing my eyes would help. I guess because I don't want to see the impact. Now that my eyes were open the most gorgeous boy I had ever seen was holding me in his arms.

Pinch me. I must be dreaming.

I stared into his emerald green eyes. He had curly, blonde hair, like mine, although his looked tame with hair products.

Hair products, I should invest in those.

He was lean and muscular. I could tell because when I averted my eyes down for a moment, I saw his muscles through his tight shirt.

"Be more careful, Angel," my mom said. She appeared from behind a family with three little children that were running around the airport as their parents tried to catch them.

I turned my head to look at her. She wasn't looking at me though. Instead, she was looking at the guy holding me and smiling sheepishly.

"Oh look, you found Logan," she said. I looked up at the guy again. Logan, was this the guy that was supposed to be staying with us?

"Well come on," she said and walked off. Then I realized Logan hadn't let go of me, and I blushed furiously. The especially embarrassing thing was that I couldn't even hide my blush.

He finally brought me up back to my feet.

"Thanks," I said quietly and ran after Mom. I could tell Logan was following me, but I didn't want to look back. Once we exited, we met up with Dad that was parked at the edge of the airport’s entrance.

"Dave, this is Logan," Mom said to Dad as he got out of the car and walked over to greet us. Dad looked at Logan with an eyebrow raised but then gave him a handshake.

We walked back to the car in silence. I got in first then Logan got in beside me after him and Dad put his luggage in the trunk. I made sure to scoot as far away from Logan to avoid any further embarrassment, I looked out the window to occupy myself.

Mom started asking Logan some questions during the first five minutes of the trip. They were pretty basic like if he had any hobbies or played sports. No, he didn't. At least not any he wanted to share with us.

While she was talking to him, I felt a hand on my thigh which made me jump so high that I hit my head on the car roof. Ouch, I looked over to Logan and sure enough he had his hand on my thigh.

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