Chapter 14: My best friend + enemy = ?

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A/N Before you read this one, remember about the not judging a book by it's cover phrase. Don't think I'm crazy for making the thing in this chapter, Angel's secret obsession. :)


I was ready to tackle a brand new day. I finally knew what I could do with Joni. I couldn't wait to park my car, so I could run to her.

At first mom had been suggesting crazy things like sky diving and rock climbing. All that craziness had given me an idea.

Back when Trent was still living here, he and I used to car race.

Him and I are both speed demons when it comes to the road so one day he challenged me to a race. This was two years ago when I only had my learners.

He decided we needed a place where no one could get hurt though so we found this deserted highway thirty miles of here and ever since then, we've been car racing against each other.

Joni loved to watch us. Actually she was usually the only spectator since the car races were kind of private. Sometimes Trent brought along a friend but that was rare.

My big plan was that I was going to have a car race and take her with me when Trent came over. Only this time I would force her in the car with me.

Mom and Dad didn't know about our unhealthy obsession with racing. We decided a while back that it was best kept that way. They would only be concerned that we would crash and injure ourselves.

We have had about twenty three races all together and have never crashed.

I was never the risk taker. I was the do gooder who stayed a mile away from bad things.

At first when Trent had proposed the idea of racing to me, I thought he was crazy. Then when he actually took me to that highway, and I saw how fast his car was going, I got this surge of happiness.

I told him I wanted to try to. Going that fast made my adrenaline pump. After that, the racing began.

There were also three points that I assured myself with whenever I felt I shouldn't race. First, it's on a secluded highway so no one can get hurt. Second, it's a brother-sister bonding thing. Third, it made me happy.

So not only did Joni get the joy of being in the car with me but last night I ran to the market, so I could get her favorite chocolate, ferrero rocher.

"Have a good day, honeybun," Logan said stepping out of the car.

He had been calling me these "cutesy" nicknames ever since yesterday.

"Logan, why are you addressing me with those nicknames?" I wasn't that annoyed, just curious.

"Because I want to keep the fake boyfriend act up," he said. My face blanked then I let out a laugh.

"Oh, I already cleared that up with that girl yesterday."

"What? Darn, I've always wanted a fake girlfriend," he confessed. I looked at him as if he just grew another head.

"Why not a real one?"

"I've never had a real one."

His tone was serious, but I still thought he was joking. I couldn't stop the laughter that escaped my lips. After all Logan was Logan. If he had been someone like me then I wouldn't have laughed, but Logan was quite popular with the ladies.

There was no way he could be serious.

"Why are you laughing?" he frowned.

"Because that idea shocks me. Girls practically worship you," I pointed out.

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