Late Again.....

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Rey rushed into the lecture hall and almost fell over her own feet. She stared at the rows of students laughing and whispering at her. Well she had certainly made an entrance. Great.

'Late again Rey?' Came the disapproving voice of Professor Solo.

Rey winced. Professor Ben Solo's temper was legendary within the university's walls. His long standing feud with the tenured classics Dr Luke Skywalker was well known to the faculty and students alike. She had heard so many rumours of their heated discussions turning violent, she had decided the story she heard about him trying to take a meat cleaver to Professor Skywalker's arm was just nasty slander though.

'Sorry Sir.' Rey managed to squeak. She made a mental note to smack Finn later. It was all his fault, he just couldn't live without his McDonald's breakfast. If only she could learn to say no to him but her primary school playmate would always have a special place in her heart and he knew it, the ass.

Professor Solo was staring at her intently, she recognised that look, it was the one that made her feel completely naked. She shivered and he looked pleased. Figures he would enjoy making her squirm.

'Take a seat.' He drawled as he turned back to the whiteboard.

Rey trudged up a few rows and pulled down a chair. She opened her notebook and found her favourite blue pen, it was old and she had chewed the lid up bad, but she loved it all the same.

She focused her attention on what Professor Solo was discussing,

'Over the next four lectures and seminars we will be discussing how literature has often brought conflict into focus, we will be looking at the poets and authors who use their writing to shine a light on the atrocities they see around them. We will also be examining the popular view point that literature can and should contribute to peace building in our time.....'

Professor Solo was renowned for his lectures. He spoke with such passionate intensity that even the most jaded of students couldn't help but be enthused. He gestured wildly as he spoke, meaning he frequently had to push his disheveled hair away from his forehead. A lot of people said he had a stern face but Rey would describe it as interesting and though he rarely smiled, when he did and it reached his eyes he was almost hand.......

'Rey? REY?' His voice pulled her out of her daydream.

'Yyyyes sir?' She stammered.

She realised that everyone was putting on their coats and collecting their things. Had it really been an hour already?

'Rey please make sure you collect a handbook on your way out, you need to do the reading before the seminar.'
'Yes Sir.' She agreed and headed for the door.

'Oh and Rey?'

'Yes Sir?'

'Try not to be late for the seminar.' He walked towards her and fixed her with a menacing stare, 'If you are late for one more teaching session, there will be repercussions.'

'Yes Sir.' Rey gulped. She could feel his eyes on her as she exited the classroom, she swallowed hard. Repercussions? She didn't want to know what those would be. She was going to have to tell Finn to get his own breakfasts from now on.

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