Chapter 5: Queerditch

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A paper plane lands on my desk.

Well, saying it's a paper plane is an understatement, because what I'm actually holding right now is a replica of a Boeing 727 made from yellowing parchment, or, at least, an attempt of a replica, with the tail part that looks like a 727, and the top half remaining a paper plane. Still, a good enough effort, I gotta say. And if I look closely, inside the little drawn-in boxes that serves as windows are little stick figures waving at me. For a second year student, the skill used in charming this plane is already impressive considering half of our class couldn't even levitate a feather, let alone turn a parchment into half a plane.

I look around me, a sea of faces (some are sleepy, most are terrified) that fills our Double Potions period -- a mix of Ravenclaw and Slytherin -- and there I see at the far back is the unmistakeable smirk of Camila Cabello, official fuckgirl of the Slytherin House.

Yes, I meant the entire Slytherin House, and probably the entire second year student population. A charmer, is what she is.

"I'm good at Charms, coz I'm charming.", Camila always jokes. Nobody has yet disagreed with her statement, though, because she's right. I guess.

She winks at me and blows me kisses, so typical of the image she has already built in our first few months of being enrolled at Hogwarts, and yet, despite her growing notoriety, I still can't help but feel giggly at her silly antics. Yep, a fucking charmer, indeed.

Open it, she mouths at me.

I look down at the paper plane again, and I unfolded it and read Camila's distinctive messy handwriting.

It says, 'Date me?'.

Third time this week. This has all started since last year and she always tries every now and then despite my constant rejection.

When will she give up?

I glance back at Camila who's looking at me with puppy dog eyes, her palms pressed together as if in supplication, and that alone makes me wanna consider going out with her (not a romantic date!! Just a regular friendly date between two friends who are celebrating their friendship... Yeah just normal friends... Two gal pals having a girl's night out), but then she flashes me her usual confident toothy grin, which I always see her use on other girls, and I roll my eyes at her as I wave my hand in a quick dismissal.

I think I see her smile fade a little bit, but it might just have been a trick of the light -- the dungeons are pretty dimly lit -- because seconds later I see her smile at me so widely before she scribbles at her parchment again and starts folding it repeatedly.

A few minutes later, another paper plane lands on my desk again -- after hitting me on the head, that is. I have a feeling that Camila doesn't take rejection too well.

I unfold it and I read the words, Better lick luck next time?, with the word "lick" crossed out. I'm not sure who she's pertaining to -- me or her -- but I decide to ignore her because Professor Snape is glaring at me and I feel my butt clench tightly as he stares at me so hard it almost feels like he's reading my mind.

Dead puppies dead puppies Brad's lips Trump's dick Camila's pussy -- wait, what?

I shake my head and repeat my distraction mantra -- this time without thinking of Camila's body parts (that was so weird!!) -- in my head in case Snape could really read minds -- as it has been confirmed by Normani that legilimency is indeed real. She's also quick to tell me that I should never use the term "mind-reading" around wizards because it's a naive term muggles use for something that involves great skill and mastery which is needed to delve into a complex human mind.

Swish and FlickTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon