Nobody knows I'm in Australia and let's face it, no one cares, Catherine's wedding is ready and i just have to be there for the rehearsal dinner and the actual wedding so i have a week. As soon as i landed i drove to Albatu industries and headed straight to the CEO.

"It's not good publicity to be seen with the enemy's daughter but how can i help?" He started

"I want to buy your company, I'll keep all the staff and you can manage it"

He laughed at me, "I'm not selling my company to Isles inc."

"IT'S not Isles inc, it's Kate Isles" i reassured him

"Until you give it to your dad"

"No, he's had his turn, this us all me, I'll keep everything the same, except for the CEO, I will further this company's name and make it greater than Isles inc. I will beat them and I know all their plans for further business deals, i know who to buy and how to buy them" I explained trying to sell myself

"Sorry ma'am but i just don't trust you"

I gave him a check for an amount much larger than he's ever seen in his life

"Ok, i trust you, it's sold" he said standing up and letting everyone know that I'm the new boss

It wasn't even a minute later that my dad called me, i know he has a mole in albatu's offices and i know who it is but I'm gonna keep him for a little while.


"You have crossed the line young lady, come back this instant. You are a disgrace and dissapointment to the family, such a shame that we left minette behind instead of you!" He practically screeched over the phone

"I've got a job to do, please leave me be Jack" i called him by his name

"I'm so glad Luke doesn't love you anymore" he said before he hung up

Even though i know it's true, I'm going to forget about my real life for a while and make Albatu strive and my dad go bankrupt. The only support i need is Minette and MS and both of them are here to back me.

I got a message from Austin
We had a fight, wedding might be off-Austin

So of course i bought myself a plane ticket back to support the only friend I have left.

As soon as I landed I drove to Austin's house and saw him in such a mess i was afraid to taklk to him. His entire house was a mess, his hair dirty his eyes lifeless and his beard not shaved in days.

"Austin" i started before i took a deep breath "what happened?"

"I don't know" he stared blankly at me "I was drunk and she left" he didn't have a hint of emotion on his face

"Ok, we're gonna get you all cleaned up and then you're going to have to talk to Catherine" I just assumed Catherine may have a problem with it if he drinks so i continued "and yoh may want to stop drinking for a bit Austin"

His face didn't even change, he just turned and walked into his house "I'm gonna shower" he barely whispered

"Wash your hair, and shave after, ok?" I decided to stay and clean up a bit while he got ready to face the real world again.

After Austin showered and i cleaned up a bit he came to me fully dressed and very neat "you clean up well" I smiled

"You shouldn't be here" he said turning away

"Austin i just want to help, I can't stand seeing you broken like this" I tried to support him a bit further

"Kate, no one trusts you anymore, and I'm starting to think i should follow the crowd" I had no clue where this came from

"What are you talking about?" I was slightly hurt by what he said but i assumed he didn't mean it

"I'm not going to kiss you, you can forget about it! I don't care how much you want to hurt Luke especially since he didn't do you any harm but you can't use me for that" now he had emotion but it was anger and i didn't like it one bit

"That really hurts" i said calmly "of all the people i know i thought you would at least be the one who believes that i didn't kiss Christopher, I was busy saving my and Luke's relationship" i hate that everyone knows everything already

"You broke Luke down, and I'm not going to help with that because i actually like him" he practically ignored what i said

"I came here to help you get your fiance back and this is how you treat me?" A tear rolled down my cheek "you're nothing i thought you were, you're nothing but a sheep following everyone else" I turned to walk away but when i got to the door i turned around to say one last thing "you're still my friend Austin, and I'm stil, going to try get Catherine to come to you, but for the record you're the one who pushed me away" then i left

When i got in my car I texted Catherine

Hey there, please give Austin a chance to explain what happened. Not trying to intrude and i understand that i have no one's trust anymore. I hereby withdraw from my position as maid of honour as I'm assuming I'll get kicked of anyway. Just want to make sure you and Austin don't make the biggest mistake of your life- kate

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