Chapter 26

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(If you're still reading then that's amazing and I love every one of you! This was also another favourite of mine to write, and it's actually so sweet, so keep reading. Oh and I uploaded the video of the song that Lettie sings in the story. I did actually write and sing it, so I hope you like that too! :) Again, I'd be grateful if you left comments or voted, thank you!)


A couple of weeks passed and Euston settled in very well. It was lovely to have him around when Harry had to go and do work across the country, especially in the new flat which was a little lonely at times. Of course my parents visited as often as they could and so did Sophie when she wasn't round Zayn's house that is.

They'd officially said they were dating a week ago and the fans loved her.

She'd got snapped up by a modelling agency as soon as we'd gotten back from America with the boys and had worked her way up over the past couple of months and was now modelling some of the major high fashion lines.

I particularly loved the fact she modelled shoes for Louis Vuitton as I got my fair share of free stock. My shoe collection was amazing. Sophie, of course, was still as beautiful as ever.

It was the summer and the boys were doing a lot of promo work in the UK which was nice as it meant Harry was home more often than normal. However the boys did have to go to Ireland for a couple of days leaving me home alone with Euston.

I woke up the morning after they'd left and checked the calender sleepily, not really registering the date. I checked again realising no information had gone in the first time and a horrified feeling settled over me.

"Oh crap!" I said out loud to myself running my hands through my hair. My period was 4 days late.

My thoughts scrambled about in my head, could this happen, I was on the pill, and we were always careful. Then I remembered...Sophie's party a couple of weeks ago.

I'd been ill the day before and was sick, which obviously stops the pill from working...and that night me and Harry had both been drunk, we didn't even think about protection, oh god. I kept piecing together the puzzle.

Why did this have to happen, why now when everything was going perfectly. I was only 18, too young. Just at that moment Josh, my cousin called from America.

"Lettie hi!" he said down the phone in his funny mixed accent, in between American and English.

"I was wondering, we wanted to stay in the UK a while, me and Sam", Sam was his girlfriend, "were going to book a spa holiday, but we thought Chrissie would have a better time staying with you and uncle Dave and aunty Claire." Josh was obviously referring to my mum and dad.

I explained to Josh how I'd moved in with Harry, but of course said Chrissie could come and stay with us as we had a spare bedroom.

"Great, well the flight leaves tomorrow, sorry it's so short notice, we booked it last minute." Tomorrow, blimey, but that was okay. I ended the call and my thoughts about everything rushed back into my head. Should I call and tell Harry? No. I'd wait, he was home tonight.

I went and stood in front of the mirror in the bedroom pulling my vest top up to reveal my stomach. I looked at it, but it was no different, maybe I wasn't pregnant. The word stuck in my head, pregnant. A real baby, that scared me.

I spent the rest of the day watching movies and trying to keep my mind off things. I failed miserably, working myself up about later that night.

When Harry got in my stomach was in knots but I knew I couldn't keep it from him as I'd already told him earlier I needed to talk to him when I'd rung to tell him about Chrissie staying.

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