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Maybe a short chapter, but I hope it's worth it. I had trouble writing it, and I hope you understand once you read it... Um, next chapter will probably be uploaded on Saturday or maybe even Sunday. I don't want to rush the next chapter, she'll be a difficult one.

Anyway, enjoy, readers! :D

They landed in London at lunch time, and while Keeley was so hungry she was moping around, draped over Max like a sloth, Calen said they would have to go to the hospital before she was allowed to go anywhere else. Keeley was ready to cry as they passed a Nando’s on the way. It was heartbreaking to drive pass Nando’s and not even… She felt like she was cheating on a boyfriend as they got further and further away.

Keeley was bound by Max half way to the hospital, material wrapped around her head and over her mouth. Calen had unexpectantly joined in and sniggered in the front seat as he glanced back at the puckered Keeley, who was growling in her throat playfully.

Once parking at the hospital, Keeley’s bound mouth was unwrapped and she let out a loud burp, before sighing loudly.

“Thank God! That was relieving,” she murmured, stumbling into the hospital.

Keeley was perched on a bed ten minutes later, a doctor bandaging her hand as Calen stood out in the hall.

“Ow, too tight!” Keeley fussed, hissing. The doctor loosened it. “Too loose – Ah, too tight!” She moaned uncomfortably. “No, too loose!” Keeley pestered the doctor until he gave up and done it slightly too tight, and gave just her a pain med to shut her up. It was unprofessional, but Keeley wasn’t complaining. “Just one?” She tilted her head innocently. “What about tomorrow?” He hesitated, before he gave her another one and turned to pack his equipment up.

“Just make sure you be careful. Those meds are strong and-“ he turned around soon enough to see Keeley swallow them both, winking.

“Oopsies!” She cheerfully exclaimed, jumping down from her seat. “Thanks, Charlie, I’ll see you later,” She hollered, opening the door.

“My name is Alex, and you won’t be seeing me later,” He disagreed bizarrely. But Keeley had already found Calen and stroked his arm adoringly.

“Let’s go, Cal, we have class tomorrow!” Keeley waggled her finger at him, grinning. Calen blinked at her, freaked out.

“Excuse me?” Class? What on earth had the doctor done to her? She was perfectly fine before she went in there! Or, at least, as perfectly fine as someone like Keeley could get.

“Don’t deny it, Cal!” Keeley sang, and pulled him along with her uninjured hand, the other swinging limply by her side. Calen was opening and shutting his mouth in speechlessness. Keeley whistled Christmas carols as they walked outside and made it to the car, where Max was absently flicking through radio stations.

“Max,” Calen urgently called, his eyes not moving from Keeley, “I think the doctor gave her something.” The men both looked horrified as they watched Keeley try to be an plane, before Calen shoved her in the car, making her complain.

“Cal!” She moaned, before giggling loudly, “The teacher’s not going to be happy with you!”

“Dear Lord, help me,” Calen clasped his hands together as he looked up, at the roof of the car.

“Now, Keeley, you go inside and sleep off whatever you have, okay?” Calen told her slowly, as if talking to a four year old. Keeley grinned and bobbled her head.

“Of course, Cal,” She giggled. Calen didn’t look convinced, but if he stuck her in her house, maybe she would be fine. Keeley tugged out her luggage of the car, groaning as she tried to carry it all. Her suitcase was trailing behind, her guitar backpack sat on her back, an overnight bag was slung over her shoulder, and a few other bags were on the other arm. She glanced at Calen, giggling happily.

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