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Next chappie! :D I hope you all enjoy, and vote and fan! Next chapter will probably be up tomorrow night, or Thursday.

Anyway, Enjoy, readers! :D

Keeley and the boys had gone to the nearby park after working all day, after discovering the soccer ball in Keeley’s car. The lights were all on, after there had been a competitive soccer game about ten minutes before they arrived.

They all played soccer growing up, and had their own styles. They split into two teams. Keeley and Zayn were with Niall, and Harry, Louis and Liam were on the other team.

“We’ve got this is the bag,” Keeley winked to Zayn, flicking her hair over her shoulder.

“Don’t get his hopes high,” Harry cheekily grinned, “We’re going to squash you like a bug.”

“As if you could even catch a bug,” Keeley shot back, and giggled as she ducked his arm, jumping behind Louis.

“You’re not on our team!” Louis accused, pointing at her in dismay. “Go away!” Keeley was grabbed by Zayn and flung over his shoulder.

“We’ll never get started with all this bickering,” he called to her happily, “I wish you have duct tape in your car.”

Keeley smacked his ass mischievously, and he shouted as he wiggled around.

“Keeley, yours,” Niall told her, rubbing his hands together. Keeley was dropped by Zayn, and she rolled over to the middle of the grounds, clambering to her feet.

“I got this, Nialler,” She cheered, leaning over.

They started.

Keeley sent the ball directly to Niall, who sent his legs high and kicked the ball across over to Zayn, who back-kicked it to Keeley. The ball was intercepted by Harry, but snatched by Keeley. She cat-called and snuck past Louis, kicking it high over to Niall, who head-butted it into the goals.

Niall, Keeley and Zayn screamed happily, jumping around like spazzes.

“Looks like the bugs are ruling!” Keeley shouted to Harry, who huffed dramatically, but grew a large dimpled grin.

“Fluke!” He yelled back. Keeley snorted, grinning. As she glanced around, she noticed two people semi-hidden in a bush, cameras held as one flashed away, and the other was most likely recording.

“It’s just paparazzi,” Zayn said to her from behind, slinging his arm reassuringly over her shoulder. “You’ll get used to them everywhere.” Keeley nodded slowly, sparing them another glance before she forgot about them, and played on Louis, but the two immature teens momentarily lost interest in the game, and were swinging around in circles, monkey-gripping both their arms, until they began slipping, and they both stumbled back. They kept two arms attached though, and went spiralling to the ground, laughing deliriously.

Keeley got to her feet first, still overcome with a giggling fit. She held out her hand unsteadily as she stumbled around, red-faced with laughter. Louis reached forward to grab her hand, but she slinked away, and let him fall back.

“Oldest trick in the book!” She grinned deviously and ran off.

The ball came straight towards her, and she flicked it up, bouncing it on her knees several times, before dropping it again and kicking it to Zayn.

His tongue looking as if it were trying to lick his nostrils, Louis came running towards Keeley from her side, and went for a theatrical slide-tackle, and tripped her over. Keeley went flying face-first into the grass, and was stuffed with giggles as she rolled around, her stomach aching.

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