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Now, for this chapter, I wanna know if any of you cry! Okay? :D It will make my day if any of you even get a little sniffly!

Anyway, enjoy, and be sure to comment if you cried or not! :D

Keeley was the first to wake up, and only moments later, a leprechaun poked its head out the blankets, looking half asleep as he perkily scanned around the room.

Keeley giggled evilly and slammed a pillow at his face, knocking him off the tower of snoozing bodies. He squeaked, high-pitched, before he thumped on the floor, groaning and mumbling to himself. Keeley chortled and shot up to her feet, yanking up Niall and leading him into the kitchen.

“How was your sleep, lovely?” Niall questioned the other Irish teen, leaning against the bench comfortably. Keeley grinned.

“Fabulous. I dreamed of unicorns and snakes.” Niall looked cross-eyed.

“You definitely fit in,” He muttered, smiling sleepily and rubbing his eyes. Keeley was too busy whistling gloriously as she scooped a box of cereal out of the cupboard for breakfast. Niall sneezed messily, and sounded like a steam engine. Keeley stared at him, paused, before she let off her own custom sneeze, which could’ve possibly rocked the house. They both kind of stared at each other weirdly, before they burst into laughter, slapping the table as they bent over, laughing.

“You wanna go for a walk?” Niall suddenly suggested, bouncing off the stool and nearly somersaulting out the door.

“Yeah, sure, Niall,” She rolled her eyes at the wide open door, and the speck that was Niall at the end of the path. He called out to her impatiently, so naturally, she slowed and walked at the pace of a turtle, shuffling along the path. But Keeley got bored and sped to Niall’s side with a giddy beam.

They walked down the side walk of the quiet street, the morning chill sweeping across their faces and awakening them more. There were a glimpse of fog still in the air, and puffed as the two teens breathed.

They were mostly silent before they reached the nearby park, which still had slightly damp and cold equipment. Keeley plopped on the swing nevertheless, and Niall was right behind her as he jumped on the other.

“So where are your parents really?” He asked her warily, glancing over at her as he swung gently. Keeley froze as she looked at Niall with alert. It had been bugging him since last night, when she told Harry where her parents were. He couldn’t stop thinking about it; something about her tone told him she wasn’t telling everything. He knew they had only known each other for a few days, but he couldn’t get her face out his head. It was imprinted in his brain, that expression of deep emotion when she answered. Business.  Niall couldn’t believe it, no matter how much he tried to let it go. She didn’t have to tell him, he wanted to assure her, but he decided to keep quiet as she sat, stiff with surprise at the sudden reminder of her parents whereabouts.

“Niall, I said-“ She tried hopelessly, her voice breaking involuntarily.

“You lied, though,” he studied her face, “I know you did.” Keeley opened her mouth, before closing it again, unable to speak. What was she supposed to say to him? She didn’t want to say it, she didn’t want to announce that her family was screwed up, or, what was left of it. But the more she looked at Niall, her feelings morphed confusingly. How did he even know she hadn’t been telling the truth?  She didn’t think she was that obvious. “Fine.” Niall stood from the swing. “If you won’t tell me, I’ll leave.” It was harsh, really harsh. He knew that completely, but he felt offended somehow that she wouldn’t tell him the truth. He was confused, but he just didn’t like the fact she didn’t feel she could trust him enough just to tell him where her parents were. He didn’t think it mattered so much that she would feel the need to lie about it. Just say where they were. Niall didn’t know why he was making such a big deal about it either, though, because it wasn’t vital information he needed to know about his new friend. Niall began walking away, leaving Keeley beyond confused. What the hell?

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